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None because I feel bad about writing such unhappy stuff recently so we'll try something happier

I'll let you guys decide if this is passed off of true events or not... that's the challenge of this oneshot

WORDS: (I almost wrote warning again)


As far as Virgil was concerned love was a construct, something that parents told their kids about at night in order to give them hope for the future and everyone was just convincing themselves it was real so life didn't feel so dry... that was until he met Roman.

Once Virgil met Roman his view began to change and at first he didn't want to accept it so he did what any teenage boy would do and pushed it away but eventually it got to the point where he couldn't ignore it anymore. Roman was in love with love, he was extremely over-romantic and constantly seemed to be getting his heart broke. Virgil watched it happened and realised the irony of it the one person who made him realise love was real wouldn't be with him... Roman was always dating someone else whenever the anxious teenager mustered up the courage to say... it was always that day Roman would announce he had a new girlfriend or a new boyfriend.

The teenager then turned to his extremely intellectual best friend Logan who stayed as his therapist for a good few years. Virgil ignored his feelings by dating other people but there was always something twirling away in the back of his mind, he did like the people he dated he just didn't feel the same way he did towards Roman, but by this point Virgil had gotten good at pushing the feelings away.

One night Virgil did get his chance with Roman however it was incredibly awkward. It inevitably didn't work out. When Roman sent Virgil a text saying they were better as friends the anxious boy agreed although he didn't want to, he wanted to express his emotions, say he wanted to try again but he bit his tongue and instead turned to writing. He started expressing his feelings through writing ignoring his heart again, he was getting good at it by this point, and he did enjoy writing.

Unfortunately, or as it actually turned out fortunate, Roman picked up on the hints laced through the boy's writing and of course Virgil denied everything but without meaning he kept verbally dropping hints as well during a round of truth-bombs with Roman and another friend. That night they were speaking about Roman going to dye his hair but the conversation quickly turned and the creative teenager started asking questions. Virgil felt his heart pounding and started freaking out however he wanted to be honest so he confessed what he had been trying to push back for years.

That night Virgil finally got with Roman. He was happy and it was quite funny cause the next day he was going into town with Patton, it always make Virgil laugh as he remembers Roman's text saying that Patton better not do anything. Virgil was happy that he finally got to be with the man he wanted, the man who made him change his view on love.

Roman completely turned Virgil's view of love on its head without him even realising it. The teenager grew to love romance and being in a relationship, he loved his boyfriend deeply. Virgil was grateful to have Roman because he was supportive even when Virgil was being tough to deal with. The anxious boy never would have believed that one person could change his view of love.

And even if it didn't work out between him and Roman in the end, which obviously the boy didn't want - he wanted to stay with Roman, Virgil had learnt one thing;
Someone loved him and that meant someone could love him again.

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