10. A letter to me

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Mat finds a strange letter written from himself





The theorist gently stroked his wedding ring and he filled his and his husbands belongings into boxes a grim expression on his face, he being thrown out of his home because of not paying rent. He sighed painfully as he checked up and down, his eyes caught sight of two pieces of paper stuck under one of the cabinets he'd been unable to move. Curiosity getting the better of him, he knelt down and yanked out the paper magically not ripping them.

The paper were two different letters both addressed to him, one from three years ago and one more recently. Mat took a deep breath and unfolded the letter from three years earlier recognising the writing being his own, raising an eyebrow he chose to read the letter.

Dear Mat in the future

Yeah this is stupid but Nate seemed so desperate for me to write this so hey me - yep that sounds stupid but oh well.
I'm writing this to remind you of the most important person in your life, Nathan Sharp the most amazing person. He managed to pull me out of my funk when I was upset was always there for me - you. Nate is the best we're ever going to get so I hope you're still with him now.
We've been together two years now and are debating whether or not to tell the fans yet, Nate promises he'll be there to comfort me if they don't accept us.

He stopped reading and smiled lightly, it did seem stupid writing to himself but at the present moment in time it cheered him up. Memories came flooding back, Nate had kept his promise and had helped the theorist through the period of hate from some fans where others were supporting and fangirled/fanboyed until it crashed all of the blond's social medias. He carried on reading having forgotten what he'd written,

I hope you're still doing Youtube and maybe have started family with Nate but that could be too much to ask, every good thing comes to an end eventually I know that but you can't help but hope can you?
I mean we're the same person with the same hopes and dreams or at least we shared them at one point.
Take care of Nate because believe me he's the person whose helped us get this far.
From you
Year: 201x

A few tears spilled from his eyes making the ink smear across the paper, he bit his lip and closed the letter. He unfolded the other letter and immediately tears fell from his eyes making it almost unreadable, the scribble of writing made the male almost decide against reading it.

Dear Mathew Patrick
The love of my life

Mat honestly I'm surprised you found this letter, I hid next to your own letter. My prince I'm sorry I didn't want to have to do this but I can't bear you getting hurt - I love you so much my amazing husband. So let the world know, that I died in vain
because the world around me, is the one to blame and I know in a year, you'll forget I'm gone 'cause I'm not really something to be dwelled on. You're the best friend, that I ever had such a shame I had to make you so very sad
but just remember that you meant everything to me and to my heart, you're the only one that held the key now it's time to go, I'm running out of space to write
And yes I lost my fight, but please just hold on tight I'm watching over you, from the clouds above
and sending down the purest and whitest dove to watch over you, and be my helpful eye
So this is it, world, goodbye.

I love you Mot Hot
Nathan Patrick

The uncontrollable tears fell from the male's eyes, he'd found his husbands suicide letter and the memories came flooding back.

He'd just been hanging there, limp lifeless


Now he was getting kicked out of the home that held all the memories of the past. Wiping his eyes, he gathered his boxes and left the home.

Memories die
People die
Love dies
Death is unavoidable

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