104. Woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown

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And normal Klance too

This will have full-on smut (probably) I will use *** to symbolise where the smut starts and ends so you can skip it and just carry on with the actual story, yup I've sinned I'm sorry

Also some spoilers to Dirty Landry (if the ending went slightly differently)

ScottyGonzaela I hope you're happy (also give them some love cause they really helped me out with this like they gave me a shit-ton of help as most of the Keith dialogue from the deciding where to sleep scene is theirs :3 )

Also this may get confusing pretty fast so just remember
Kathy = Keith
Lana = Lance

6860 (this is the longest thing I've written it's taken forever and I'm not even sorry)


"I'm sorry we need to do what?!" Lance exclaimed loudly, staring at Pidge in complete shock and disbelief at what the green paladin had just said. Pidge just raised her eyebrow, "I said that you and Keith must go to another alien planet to receive fuel for our ship however this planet will kill people of the male species meaning that you will need to drink this formula to make your body transform into a female body so that their scanner will recognise you as female, it is not enough to simply pose as members of the female species... although the scanner will accept transgender people however you need to fill out a special form and this was just easier." Lance just continued to stare at her astounded and unwilling to go through with her plan, he shook his head. "Why can't you and Allura go?" Keith asked, finally deciding to join in the conversation because the idea of going on a solo mission with Lance was not appealing to him. "We're busy keeping the ship from collapsing... you are aware this is our only ship, right?" Allura piped up, this caused Pidge to snicker and mutter something under her breath that neither Keith nor Lance caught. "And anyway it gives you two time to bond, have another bonding moment that you both actually recollect," The green paladin murmured with a sly smirk. Keith seemed to freeze up at the word 'bond' he seemed to get 'triggered' over it, "We don't say the b word," He hissed before sighing and giving in, "But fine I'm up for this mission... but only cause you're certain Lance and I are the only ones who can do it." The green paladin nodded and grinned, looking at Lance expectingly as if Keith had agreed there was no way that Lance would back out. "Well if mullet-head is in then so am I," The Latino stated, holding his head high as if he was being the bigger person by agreeing to go on the mission. Keith simply scoffed and didn't meet Lance's eyes, things between the two had been awkward since Christmas since a certain incident had taken place.

"I knew the two of you would see sense!" Allura cheered, smirking at Pidge and well lets just say that they didn't exactly need the fuel as much as they were letting on. Pidge nodded and held out the beaker full of a pinky purple coloured substance which smelt an awfully lot like some brand name perfume that Lance remembered from his childhood as his sisters used to spray him with it constantly complaining that he stunk. The memory of his family caused the blue paladin to tear up slightly but he managed to successfully hide this as he took the beaker from Pidge who was grinning widely as she gave a second beaker of the same substance to Keith, "Bottoms up boys." Lance looked at Keith and held the beaker up to clink with the other boy's glass, "To good health." The red paladin nodded and took a swig at the same time as Lance. Pidge and Allura watched the two men curiously waiting for the formula to have its effect on them.

"What the fuck?!" Keith screamed, wrapping his or rather her arms around herself to cover her chest as there was now a new-found weight there. Pidge smirked and held up a mirror to the red paladin could look at herself. Keith looked at her reflection and had a double-take, "That's me?" The reflection in the mirror showed a short, pale, dark haired girl. She was wearing the same clothing that she'd been wearing before only they seemed more tight-fitting now and the tank top hugged her chest and exposed a lot more to everyone however there was no denying the girl was drop-dead gorgeous. Lance was the next to go through the transformation from male to female and she shoved Keith out of the way to look at herself in the mirror, she smirked as she saw herself in the mirror, "I look hot." There was no denying that was the truth, she was taller than Keith, dark-skinned and had flowing tawny hair and like Keith she was wearing the same clothes she'd previously been wearing. Lance certainly had more confidence that Keith, or rather she managed to act like she did, therefore she didn't feel the need to cover her chest like Keith did.

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