9. I'm (not) obsessed

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Nate has had a crush on Mat for at least ten years and knows every detail about the male which causes his friends to think he's obsessed, so jokily they tell Mat about Nate's feelings.


Crap because slightly rushed



"Oh Mat fuck me," Morgan moaned causing the two others to snigger at her,
"Ooh Mat faster." The ebony musician they were mocking rolled his eyes,
"Seriously guys?"

Brett smirked and wrapped his arms around Nate pulling him into his chest,
"It's all in good fun." The ebony jokily punched the raven female in the arm causing her into pretend to stumble and actually fall into Hunter.
"Nate why'd you make this chick fall into me?" Hunter yelped taken back by the falling female. The ebony simply sniggered in reply.

"Ooh look there he is!" Morgan sang recovering from her push and gesturing to Mat.
"So?" Nate raised an eyebrow but Brett wasn't having any of it, he shoved the ebony into the blond while Hunter sniggered in the back and muttered,

Nate stumbled into Mat and gently the theorist chuckled and helped the ebony regain his balance,
"Hope you had a nice trip Nate."
The musician cringed at the comment made by the blond,
"That was bad Mattyboy."

Mat was taken back by the nickname but smiled and put an arm around Nate smirking at the ebony's flustered state.

Stephanie went over to the male's group and grinned as she saw Morgan, her eyes lingered longly on the raven female's lips. Hunter noticed and raised an eyebrow whispering to Brett who smirked widely.

"Looks like Nate's not the only one with a crush."


Mat and Nate walked to class together as Brett and Hunter planned deviously behind the two.

"Hey Mat, you want to hang out with us tonight?" Hunter offered with a grin. The theorist nodded,
"Sure I'll join you guys, it'll be fun."

The ebony looked at his two friends who were grinning evilly making Nate nervous, he attempted to hide his fear and walked with Mat until they arrived at the doorway of their english classroom.

Sighing heavily the musician entered the classroom and took his seat at the opposite end of the classroom from his friends and crush, who for the whole lesson made stupid faces directed towards him. 

He was terrified for the night that was coming.


Night came quickly and Nate had no time to prepare so he simply threw a random top on and hoped he looked decent. Morgan stopped by to pick the ebony up,
"Nathan, I'm here to collect you for tonight. Now let's go and see Mat."
With a smirk they linked arms and headed to Brett's,
"Hey you get see Steph." She just laughed not denying a word that exited his lips.
"Come on then let's go."

Arriving at Brett's Nate felt a sudden strike of fear, he gripped his stomach and opened the door not bothering to knock knowing the host wouldn't mind.

Unluckily for Nate the theorist had arrived a half an hour earlier than him and Hunter and Brett decided to question the blond.

Half an hour earlier

Mat knocked on the door of the male's apartment which he opened quickly enough, the second the door opened the theorist was jumped by Brett and Hunter.

"Heyy Matty question for you, do you happen to have a crush on our friend Nate?" Hunter asked getting straight to the point. The theorist cocked his head surprised by the question, he pondered over the question for a few seconds before deciding to answer slyly,
"What makes you ask?"

The two looked at each other grinning widely before throwing back an answer,
"Because Nate likes you and we were hoping he'd have a chance."

The theorist didn't answer back again instead he got to his feet,
"I'll let you guys figure it out."

After that simple line the male walked off swaying slightly as he spoke turing back and giving him a knowing look.

Present time

He swallowed thickly as he saw the theorist in the corner speaking to Stephanie who appeared to be deeply fascinated by something. Mat's eyes caught sight of Nate and he signalled the ebony to come over.

"Hey Mot Hot," The musician said without realising what had exited his lips, immediately he looked down nervously biting his lip. Stephanie nodded towards her friend and strutted over to Morgan a glint of lust in her eyes.

"What was that name you called me?" Mat smirked slowly wrapping his arms around the ebony. He leaned into the male and pressed their lips together.


A piece that had been missing snapped into place

And the world seemed brighter full of hope.

This would be amazing

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