14. Genocide

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Mark (sans) is after Nate (Frisk) after he killed his brother Jack (Papyrus)


Undertale spoilers




Mark greeted the ebony whose body was coated in dust, the redhead's face had a grim expression as he spoke,
"you've been busy, huh? ...
so, i've got a question for ya.
do you think even the worst person can change...?
that everyone can be a good person, if they just try?"
Nate's expression was blank not a word escaped his lips as he twirled his knife in his hands, everything about him seemed so dead like he was a living zombie.

"heh heh heh heh... all right." The redhead chuckled to himself insanely, his lips still twisted into a frown. He paused before speaking to the murder again,
"well, here's a better question.
do you wanna have a bad time? cause if you take another step forward... you are REALLY not going to like what happens next." However despite the redhead's obvious warning Nate took a step towards the male slicing his knife through the air a devilish glare expressed on his face.

"welp. sorry, old lady. this is why i never make promises." He was referring to Morgan the female who'd taken Nate in when he first entered the underground. He expected the male to show some form of emotion as he mentioned the girl that would give her life to keep Nate alive however he was greeted with nothing, the murder just stood there ready to be attacked.

"it's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on days like these, kids like you..." Mark paused for dramatic affect a vengeful glare in his eyes as he kept his sights on the murderer,
"S h o u l d b e b u r n i n g  i n h e l l ."  He attacked but Nate moved swiftly avoiding mostly all the attacks only taking a small amount of damage, he striked.
"huh. always wondered why people never use their strongest attack first." Mark's mind was somewhere else as he attacked the ebony murderer fearing becoming dust at least then he'd be with Jack.

"what? you think i'm just gonna stand there and take it?" The redhead commented avoiding the ebony's attack. Nate didn't pay attention as he got hut by Mark's attacks but the redhead filled him in on more information as they fought.

As the fight progressed the redhead vengeful male became tired and started sweating horribly,
"i know you didn't answer me before, but... somewhere in there. i can feel it. there's a glimmer of a good person inside of you. the memory of someone who once wanted to do the right thing. someone who, in another time, might have even been... a friend? c'mon, buddy. do you remember me? please, if you're listening... let's forget all of this, ok? just lay down your weapon, and... well, my job will be a lot easier."


However the ebony responded to the 'friendly gesture' with a swing of his knife hoping to catch the male of guard however Mark swiftly moved out of the way of the swing sighing.
"welp, it was worth a shot. guess you like doing things the hard way, huh?"

The fight began to get more heated until eventually Mark decided to make his turn forever until Nate got bored,
"... ... ... so... guess that's it, huh? ... just... don't say i didn't warn you. welp. i'm going to grillby's. Jack, do you want anything?" With that he walked off vanishing into a cloud of dust.
At least he was with Jack now.

"Greetings. I am Mat."
Nate looked at the male confused.
"Thank you. Your power awakened me from death. My "human soul"... My "determination"... They were not mine, but YOURS. At first, I was so confused. Our plan had failed, hadn't it? Why was I brought back to life? ... You. With your guidance. I realized the purpose of my reincarnation. Power. Together, we eradicated the enemy and became strong. HP. ATK. DEF. GOLD. EXP. LV.
Every time a number increases, that feeling...
That's me.
"Mat." Now. Now we have reached the absolute. There is nothing left for us here.
Let us erase this pointless world, and move on to the next." 

Every word was confusing Nate even more, he knew he'd finally defeated Mark but now this strange male was speaking to him as if they were old friends.

The ebony murderer was given the options to erase or not, he realised there was only one choice, he choose to erase the world. There was nothing left for him.

"Right. You are a great partner. We'll be together forever, won't we?"

With that Mat striked him down, the world went black and he was thrown into a dark abyss.

Time passed

"Interesting. You want to go back. You want to go back to the world you destroyed. It was you who pushed everything to its edge. It was you who led the world to its destruction. But you cannot accept it. You think you are above consequences." Mat smirked darkly speaking to the male. Nate shook his head.
"Then what are you looking for?"

He was silent for a few seconds.

"Perhaps. We can reach a compromise. You still have something I want. Give it to me. And I will bring this world back." Mat offered.
Nate shook his head signalling 'no.'
"Then stay here for all eternity."

He gave him the option once more as Nate did not leave.
He choose 'yes.'

"Then, it is done."

Everything reset, Mark and Jack were alive again it was like the events had never happened.

Only Nate no longer had a soul, he belonged to Mat.

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