118. Life is never simple

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Danti/Antiseptiplier (look something that's actually somewhat related to what's in the title of this book)

None (I don't think)

Lmao look I wrote a oneshot for a ship that is actually supposed to be in this book

This actually took so long to write you have no idea but I'm actually semi-proud of it

3235 (all I can say is I'm sorry)

Life is complex.
If it was simple then it would be boring, everything would be the same day in day out and nothing exciting would ever happen but I always find myself wishing for that. I want a life where everything is simple and I can wake up every morning go to work and then go home, a routine but instead here I am. Their experiment and their toy. I want freedom so badly yet I cannot retain it nor can I ever hope to gain it. It is selfish to wish for life to be simple just for my sake but my god I do not care if I am perceived as selfish because I do not want to keep living like this. I hate being their toy. I want to break away and be free but I cannot. I have no hope of ever escaping this life and soon they will break me and I will lose myself.
But I want to die still being me.

Antisepticeye McLoughlin, Glitch, Experiment 1735 he had many different names but that didn't change was he was. He was the weapon to an organisation whose wish was to take over the world. They created him in a lab using Jack's 'imaginary friend', his parents blood and serval layers of demon blood. This would create the ultimate weapon however what they didn't bank on was that Anti would be against his purpose, he didn't enjoy the torture they made him endure nor did he enjoy the pain he was put through. He, however, held hope that he would one day escape this place and his dream came true when Jack's uncle Victor, more commonly known as Vic, came to recuse him.

For a few mere months Anti was happy and free however that wouldn't last as the boss of the organisation ordered Vic and his wife Lilly to be killed as a result of stealing their weapon, it was considered treason of the highest degree and in the middle of the night the house was set on fire. Vic luckily smelt the fire and awoke his sleeping wife before grabbing Anti however workers of the organisation were waiting outside. The events of the night are now a blur to Anti but he remembers Lilly being stabbed in front of him as Vic grabbed him and covered his mouth so he couldn't shout out and alert the workers as to where they were. They ran for a while however with the loss of his wife Vic slipped into a depression which caused his dark side to come out, Violence, he wanted to hand Anti back in to the organisation and work alongside them. Out of fear Anti ended up stabbing his own beloved uncle in the heart to stop Violence.

The death of Vic shook Anti and would scar him for his entire life. He was only a child at the time and he had killed someone. The terrified boy began to shake and he threw the bloody knife away from him, tears falling but not a single sound escaped his lips, it was like he'd lost his voice and he'd lost himself. That's when the boss turned up around the corridor, a smirk on his face that Anti knew he'd never forget. He was recaptured, a chain placed around his neck as he was hauled into the back of a truck like an animal. That's when he was finally able to form words again and desperate cries passed his lips however he had no idea who he was calling for anymore, the only people in the world who had cared for him were dead.

Several years later

Since that fateful night Anti had changed from who he once was and the kid who had never given up hope and smiled through the pain was gone, dead, and had been replaced by a boy who was terrified of his creators. They tortured him day after day but still he never gave into them and never let them break his mind, he was determined that for Vic and Lilly's sake that he would not submit to darkness. The torture left him in complete agony for days and he could barely walk or do anything as a result of it. He leaned against the wall, tears falling from his eyes and small sobs escaping him. That's when a new guard entered the room.

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