68. Sins

917 37 6


It's not smutty

I'm gonna update as much as I can because I might not have a phone in a few days if I fail even one of my exams...



The sent of pepper and blood made the usually fresh air reek, Mark cracked a few of his fingers and smirked darkly his bare feet brushing the round as he attempted to escape the hole of which he'd awoken.

"Fresh meat," a voice whispered as the male kept on trying to escape.

"The fresh meat can't even escape the hole," a different voice sneered.

"Not everyone is great at climbing," Yet another voice stated.

The voices pushed Mark to try harder, he almost tore his nails off from the climbing but he finally managed to pull himself out.

"Look here fresh meat managed to climb out."

Mark glanced upwards finally getting to his feet and was greeted by a male wearing boxer shorts and a plain black tee, his hair was bright green. He had a smirk across his face. "Hey fresh meat you gunna say anything!"

"Jack! stop you're probably freaking him out!" A male voice snapped, the male was wearing something similar to 'Jack' and had ebony coloured hair. "I'm Nate, you've probably guessed this tall drink of water is Jack and the other one," he stopped and looked around, "has fucked off."

"Who the hell are you people?!" Mark exclaimed confused. Jack smirked and walked over to the male wiggling his hips as he did so. He lent inwards so his hot breath was on Mark's face his lips pressed to his ear he whispered, "We are here to pay for our sins."

"Our sins?" Mark repeated.

"It doesn't matter Jack! you can't tell him these things he'll just ask questions!"

"Fresh Meat has no memories," The male sniggered.
Nate glared at Jack then rolled his eyes, "What's your name?"

The new male stopped and thought for a moment debating over telling them then sighed, "It's Mark."

"Oh so now fresh meat is treating us like a friend," He paused for a moment then smirked and threw the male onto his shoulders, "GREAT!"

Nate rolled his eyes, "Jack... you can't treat people so meanly then carry them."

"Shut up Nate! What do you know!" The male snapped rather harshly before gathering himself together and wrapping an arm around his neck, Mark still on his back.

"Can you two idiots stop fighting for five minutes!" A female voice screeched.

"Shit," Nate muttered while Jack sniggered bumping the male on his back.

A female with dark hair and pink highlights came into view frowning and rubbing her temples. She was trailing a male by his ear. She chucked the terrified looking male towards Nate and Jack. "He's your boyfriend, so you look after him!"

Mark scratched the back of his neck nervously jumping down from the green-haired male's back. Attempting to hide from the obviously angry female.

"YOU!" She yelled pointing a finger towards Mark who jumped backwards slightly. "Um.. Yes?"

"You're new aren't you?" The female smirked before running a hand through her hair. "Welp meat all you've gotta know is stay out of trouble." She turned to face the others, "AS FOR YOU THREE YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!" The female paused, "But when you're putting your plan into action you tell me."

"That's Stevie Bobei, she's the dictator on the basement floor but she's great," The male who was Nate's boyfriend started rubbing his ear, "I'm Mathew Patrick... Call me Mat."

Mark ran a hand through his hair and examined his fingers after climbing out of the pit which felt like hours ago but had been about twenty minutes ago. Sticky blood was visible under his nails, which a sigh he reached his finger up to his mouth and licked the blood from underneath.

Jack noticed and smirked, resting his arm on Mark's shoulder. "Fresh Meat is alright. You'll fit in here, however you'll hate it after a while."

Suddenly out of nowhere a flash of red light appeared in front of them, a male was floating a hand coated in blood around his throat as he choked and called out for help. The male screamed and cried but nobody came, they just stood there and watched. Jack sensing Mark's intentions of helping punched him across the face sending the male flying unable to help.

Then a splattering sound was heard and the screaming stopped, guts were everywhere and the three just stood as if this was normal while Mark was just getting back to his feet.


Jack gulped the lump in is throat, his eyes stinging. "N-Nate... M-Mat... don't lie to me but t-that was E-Ethan wasn't i-it?" He stuttered.

The lovers wrapped their arms around Jack, "It was. I'm sorry." The green-haired pushed the males off him, "It doesn't matter."

Regret, that's all Mark could feel, he'd just called them all sickos when Jack had just watched his friend (?) be brutally murdered.

"We're here to pay for our sins," Jack looked directly at the newbie his eyes glowing slightly, "That's why we've got to get out of here."

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