76. Tumblr Messages

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Deez nuts (Totally original and still funny... Please love me)

I feel like I've gotten really bad at writing... Like I was okay to start with and its just gone down hill... Whoop

Also all of this was written by me (as everything I write is other than song lyrics... But just incase anyone questions where the start came from 😊)



Afraid to speak up
I sit alone
Hiding in the corner
Afraid to say, I'm broken, I'm dead inside
Even the slightest hint gives the same impression
A desperate cry for attention instead of yell for help
Drowning in my own emotions
Slowly breaking down
To scared to draw blood
To scared to ask for help
Instead dark swirls of death
The darkness swallows me whole
Afraid of losing what little happiness I still own
Hiding behind a fake smile
Making it past enemy lines
The people who I'd trust with my life
The ones I fear the most
Sleepless nights, covered by lies
Can we avoid the darkness if that's what we are

Fear of loneliness
Chains of society locked on
A cry for help seen as a sigh of attention
Faking happiness keeps me safe
Despite the hidden tears, the sleepless nights everything
Humanity is the darkness
Which is slowly killing me

Are you really alive, if you're already dead inside?

It was 3:47am and Nate finished typing his post for tumblr. He felt as thought the website wouldn't judge him as anything seemed to go, nobody seemed to judge anyone unless you send something that the Internet could regard as stupid. He lay his head against his cool desktop and closed his eyes almost falling asleep before a 'ping' came from his phone. A message from someone under the username; PastelTheories. Intrigued Nate checked out their page which was full of theories about video games and TV shows all on atheistic or pastel backgrounds. He looked at the message.

PastelTheories; Are you okay?

AtheisticNrtbrt; Just peachy

PastelTheories; No need to be sarcastic :( I'll just go

Nate felt a sudden rush of guilt, this person was actually trying to help him and he was acting like a dick.

AtheisticNrtbrt; Sorry... It's not been a very good day... Or life actually

PastelTheories; I could tell... You want to talk to someone about it?

AtheisticNrtbrt; I'd love to

PastelTheories; Then go ahead :)

Nate spilled his heart out to this compete stranger and by the end of their conversation actually felt a whole lot better than he had before.

AtheisticNrtbrt; You've made me feel a lot better thank you!

PastelTheories; Anytime ❤️ anyway it'a getting late so I'm going to sleep but I'd love to chat again sometime, goodnight 💫

AtheisticNrtbrt; Goodnight and thank you 💜

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