23. I didn't know...

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It's a surprise

Angst (?)


Blame two people in the comments on my last chapter 🌚
Also this is really short


The clock struck midnight and bells rung loudly, echoing throughout Mark's house, smirking he held his camera up to his face looking down it talking,
"So as you all know Jack is staying at my house." He chuckled deeply, "So let's go and wake him up!" Mark cheered and went over to the room Jack was in. He opened it smirking, but the sight that greeted him made him drop the camera.

Jack was hanging from the light, his face as blank as death and his body stiff and cold. Mark ran over to his friend's body and untied him from the light hoping this was all some cruel joke.
"Seán?!" He yelled tears spilling from his eyes. There was no reaction.

How hadn't he seen how unhappy Seán was?
Why hadn't he reached out?
Why didn't he spend the time?

He'd seemed so happy but that had all been an act, an act Jack had gotten sick of. He gave up and gave in allowing himself a final rest.

Mark hadn't know.

"I didn't know."

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