110. The Artist's Muse III

140 7 4

Sheith (psychically stop me)


I'm meant to be working on requests but honestly I usually will just end up writing the first idea that comes into my head lol

Also I love the writer Lance AU if you couldn't tell

And this should be the final part

758 (this lil series was actually really fun to write)

Keith ❤️:
I'm coming over

That one simple text was all it took for Lance's heart to start pounding, he hadn't spoken to Keith in months not since his and Shiro's wedding in fact. He realised rather quickly that Keith must have read the letter in his book, he'd confessed his feelings but he never thought he'd have to face Keith afterwards. He'd only wanted to be honest after all those years of lying however who knew what trouble it would get him into now. Keith knew. Lance debated whether to run or not but he was no coward, he would have to face up to Keith sooner or later. He only hoped that he didn't bring his husband with him or that would be awkward.


That was the door, a single knock to indicate that someone was there whereas most people will knock serval times or simply ring the door bell Keith only ever gave a single knock. Lance got up his entire body quivering and opened the door for his crush to enter the home that they had at one point shared as roommates. "Hey..." Keith was the first to speak, his words awkward and shaky and his voice sounded so different from the one Lance remembered however the Keith he remembered was the one from his stories - the one who loved him or rather had loved him. "Yeah... hi," The writer greeted trying desperately not to stutter and somehow managing to succeed. The two then just stared at each other in silence both to awkward to actually say anything.

"How long?" Keith suddenly asked, breaking the silence and shocking Lance at the same time. "What do you mean?" The writer asked, not even able to understand what his crush had asked him. The muse sighed a little bit there was a hint of a smile on his lips, "How long have you liked me? And don't even bother trying to lie you literally published a confession to me." The writer looked down, he was never good at confrontation about his feelings he was always better at writing them down, "Since highschool..." The words were barely above a whisper yet Keith heard them. "Then why didn't you speak up? We had a shot together... We acted like lovers but I didn't want to go any further and make it official unless you actually liked me..." The muse whispered. "I just wish that line had been less blurry, maybe we could've been together, cause my god did I love you... I wanted to be able to call you mine so badly but then Shiro came into the picture... I went to Pidge for advice but the second you started gushing about Shiro she told me that it would be best to leave it cause it would ruin our friendship if I confessed... I wrote so many letters to confess too and I just couldn't do it," Lance frowned, he couldn't even look at Keith and his whole body was shaking. He knew Keith was going to reject him, he was a married man after all. "I confessed in my writing and you read it but you never truly understood it and honestly I was grateful for that cause it meant I could confess without rejection but some part of me wished that you could understand it."

"I-I... God Lance... I never knew but I can't, I wish I could but I'm with Shiro it's not fair on him and I do love him..." The muse sighed as he looked at Lance and gently pulled the Latino into a kiss, "I'm so sorry." After that there were tears from both men and eventually they parted from their embrace. "I didn't expect anything else..." The writer sighed heavily. Keith's phone then buzzed with a text from Shiro and the muse looked at the writer, "I should go..." Lance only nodded unable to form the words to make a complete sentence so he didn't even bother trying.

He watched his muse and crush walk out of his life.

Being able to write beautiful love stories about someone you can never have is both the blessing and the curse of a writer
- Lance McClain, The Artist's Muse

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