168. Sweet Home

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No ship based around Antisepticeye

Mentions of death
Mentions of self-harm

I've started reading this webcomic called 'Sweet Home' and that's where this comes from I highly recommend it
Watch Cdawgva's newest video ('This webtoon is really dark') if you want to know more or just go onto webtoon and read the comic yourself (like I'm not kidding it's so fucking good)

This is just the prologue for the webcomic and it actually involves monster later too and the world goes crazy



24 inch
16:9 aspect ratio
1920x1080 resolution

This is his world
No need for morals
Nor truth
A world of distorted desires

Anti groaned and unpeeled his eyes from his game to check his phone which had a text from his mother which read 'Son are you really not going?' "Vacation, my ass." He muttered under his breath. He didn't want to go and he didn't want to leave his room and be away from the game. "I'm not going," He called as he heard a knock on his bedroom door. "How about some fresh air for a change?," His mother replied, she smiled wide although her heart was broken, "Its been so long since you left your room." Anti didn't reply instead he turned back to his game. "This may be the last family trip we have before your father leaves on business aga-" "I said I'm not going! And I told you not to talk to me anymore. I hate hearing your voice!" The mother felt her heart break even more as she yearned to have a close relationship with her son again but instead he just pulled out her phone and sent him a text which read, 'We'll be going. Take care of yourself whilst we're away. Don't skip your meals.'

"Anti that idiot! When is he going to grow up?!" The dad exclaimed angrily. "He's trying into a recluse!" The mother and Anti's sister just remained quiet. "What kind of mother are you? To let him behave like that!" The father snapped. The sister just about lost it at that point, "It's not mum's fault! What are you blaming her for?!" The father did not seem to appreciate that, "Oh now you've joined the rebellion too? Jesus Christ. Whenever I'm away, even for a little bit, this house becomes a mess! A mess!" The sister leaned forward in her seat so her head almost came between the father and mother's seats, "Dad you're being ridiculous! And why don't you feel slightly responsible for Anti? Maybe if you were around more he wouldn't be like this! How is it all mum's fault?" She practically shouted letting her anger get the better of her. "Wow I can't believe this. This is what I get after I've sacrificed everything for you kids? You have no idea, No idea, how I work my butt off to put food on our table." He gritted his teeth in anger and tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

"Okay that's enough... let's no ruin our vacation," The mother mumbled passively from her seat. "Yeah, yeah let's just leave it there! It's all my fault, my fault, my fault damn it!" The dad yelled. The mother ignored the yelling and instead pulled out a flask and poured something into the cup, "come on everyone, let's lighten up we have a good day ahead of us." She so badly wanted everything between her husband and daughter to be okay. "You're right, I'm sorry dad," The sister mumbled, feeling slightly bad and just waning everything to be alright for her mother's sake. "I am too sweetie. It's whenever I see Anti I can't stop myself from being angry, you know?" The dad sighed heavily as if pained by what he said. "DAD WATCH OUT!" The sister screamed and suddenly a van came crashing into the front of their car.

Anti's phone kept buzzing and he was getting incredibly pissed off by it. "Damn it! Who is it?!" He grabbed the phone and accepted the call, "Why do you keep calling me in mid-" He lost his words for a moment as the voice on the other line spoke, "...?! What? Yes... yes that's family..."

Eighteen year old high school student Antisepticeye
A social recluse
With a history of self-harm
Refusing to go to school
Lost his family
And is now

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