158. Manly Man

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This is for Ty :3 (not the best so I apologise)

Also first-time writing gender-fluid character so I hope it's okay

355 (not the best)


Roman was gender-fluid which meant sometimes they felt like a girl and some days they felt like a boy. This didn't faze Virgil, who loved his partner either way, and he would always do the best he could to make Roman/Riley comfortable.

Roman was incredibly unlucky though because whenever they landed their period they felt male. This could cause massive waves of dysphoria to hit him and leave him feeling rather depressed and unhappy. It didn't exactly help that his friend Logan didn't quite understand and could end up constantly misgendering Roman, he didn't mean any harm he just didn't quite get it. He always felt awful when this happened.

Virgil walked in one morning to find his boyfriend cuddled up in blankets, looking extremely unhappy and rather pained, almost immediately he realised what was going on - he'd also memorised his boyfriend's cycle so he would know whenever it was coming. "Roman, baby, are you okay?" Virgil asked softly, knowing that he would be corrected if today Roman was Riley. He shook his head and frowned, "No... everything hurts." He whined. Virgil gently stroked his boyfriend's hair to sooth him, "Its alright Roman... it'll pass babe and you're so much tougher than any other man I know... no other man would be able to take this pain." He knew or at least hoped it would comfort Roman if he kept showing that he saw him as male.

Virgil would dedicate his time to looking after his boyfriend, bringing him chocolate and giving him cuddles and kisses. He would sometimes climb into the bed with him and watch movies or take naps. He wanted Roman to see just how much he loved him because to him it didn't matter what gender Roman/Riley was he still loved his partner with all his heart and would do anything to make sure they were happy.

Cause when you're in love you will do anything for that person and Virgil was in love.

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