164. Signs

132 4 2

Prinxiety (mostly anxiety/Virgil)


I just watched some Disney films with my dad so that was good fun

479 (not the best written but hey I tried... not as good as rich boy but I loved rich boy)


Virgil had these little signs that made it obvious he was anxious or uncomfortable... or at least it was obvious if you knew how to read him. And, of course, some signs were more obvious then others.

He wasn't exactly sure if his boyfriend, Roman, knew the signs or not but to be honest it wasn't bad either way, in Virgil's opinion at least. One of the less obvious ones was that he would play with his bottom lip, he would push the skin around and squeeze with his fingers to distract himself... which in all honestly probably looked a little strange. He didn't understand that sign himself. That was his starter and he did it when he was anxious or worried more than anything else.

Another less obvious one was he would either tap his foot against the ground or spin it in a circle. This was one he commonly did when speaking to people and feeling anxious. He, often, would sit around and feel the anxiety in the pit of his stomach and he would start playing with his bottom lip and spin his foot in a circle... he did this quite a lot when he thought people were upset or off, he wasn't exactly good at dealing with people.

Same as Virgil hated conflict. Conflict makes him extremely anxious and uncomfortable to the point where he physically feels sick... the other problem with Virgil is when he gets overwhelming anxious he can't move or leave like he really needs to push himself to get up otherwise he will just sit there. The conflict doesn't even need to be with himself it can be with anyone around him. He also shudders and will make himself smaller or try and speak to someone else to avoid it. Another big one was not being able to ask someone something or say something like he would have ideas in his head and would build up the confidence to say it but the second he opened his mouth and made a noise someone else would start speaking so sometimes he'd make a point about it other times he'd just go quiet and not say it. It's like the thing of when you're telling a story and you realise no one cares to you go quiet and nobody says anything. A lot of things like that made these signs go off.

The most obvious of Virgil's signs, the big one, is his self-called 'freak outs' where he'll start overthinking or overanalysing or something along those lines and his chest starts to clench and breathing feels like a massive task. He will start by resting his head in his hands, trying to fix/regain his breath and he'll go really quiet. He feels shaky and horrid during this process and honestly it's hard to explain. Luckily he usually always has someone around to help him... Patton will usually make him get water and check he's okay or will follow him when he randomly leaves a room with no warning to see what's wrong. Then Roman would take over and comfort his boyfriend making sure he's okay.

His signs can be discreet and be hidden but at least he knows he's got people looking after him even if they don't always notice. Virgil has a great deal of love for all of them.

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