106. Love's hate behind a white veil

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Klance (cause when is it ever anything else)

I mean it's kinda dark?

I'm literally using one of the poems I'm learning in English in an attempt to remember it for my exam also lol it'll use female pronouns and I ain't changing it cause I need to remember it normally lol

678 (two in one day and very close together, aren't you guys lucky? Lol no I just randomly get ideas in English and try to remember them so I can write them later)

Beloved sweetheart bastard. Not a day since then I haven't wished him dead. Prayed for it so hard I've green pebbles for eyes, ropes on the back of my hand I could strangle with.

It should have been the happiest day of his life however Lance McClain had to be selfish. The day Lance and Keith were supposed to be wed the Latino had abandoned Keith at the alter, he hadn't even turned up and there was a never an explanation as to why instead he seemed to vanish off the face of the earth like he'd never existed in the first place. Whenever Keith asked around no one would ever give a clear answer. The male couldn't help but let anger boil and fester until it rotted his being and became his reason for living, anger fuelled him to keep going. He imagined ways to kill and torture his ex-lover. The one who'd made a fool out of him.

Spinster. I stink and remember. Whole days in bed cawing Nooooo at the wall; the dress yellowing, trembling if I open the wardrobe; the slewed mirror, full length, her myself, who did this

Keith would never forgot nor would be get over the events of his wedding day, the humiliation he had felt has his lover didn't even show face. The looks of sympathy he'd been given by the guests and the reassurance his brother Shiro had tried to give him only to be shoved away by the angered fiancé. To this day he still wore the outfit he wore at the wedding refusing to wear anything. His mind breaking as he spent his days alone without anyone besides the company of his adopted daughter who he taught to hate men, he made sure she grew up to be beautiful to make men fall in love with her so that she could break their hearts and cause men the same pain that he'd faced as a result of Lance's disappearance. He was still jittered by the events of that day and he forever would be but revenge on all men was on his mind.

to me? Puce curses that are sounds not words. Some nights better, the lost body over me, my fluent tongue in its mouth in its ear then down till I suddenly bite awake. Love's

Lance haunted Keith throughout his life despite him not even being able to hunt the male down to reenact his revenge. He could strangle the man and watch the life disappear from behind his eyes. He dreamed of him at night of their loving encounters and of Lance's loving embraces, his touches that Keith had once accepted and he would quite happily return believing that the Latino loved him and they would be together forever. Lance had been selfish. The loving embraces could soon turn violent as they turned into tortuous images and ways for him to pain the male and make him suffer for what he'd done to Keith.

hate behind a white veil; a red balloon bursting in my face. Bang. I stabbed at a wedding-cake. Give me a male corpse for a long slow honeymoon.

Decaying slowly, Keith was alive but he was barely functioning the same as he once had. His mind was broken and he was practically a corpse whose only emotions were hate and rage and his only purpose was to get revenge for what had been done to him however seeing as he couldn't find Lance instead he would make all men suffer and feel the pain he did. Truly he would never get over what had happened to him. His mind truly was broken.

Don't think it's only the heart that b-b-breaks.

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