144. He doesn't know who he is yet

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Lmao I'm writing from Roman's perspective which is something I've not tried yet so let's see how that goes (please be gentle with me)



Roman looked down at his sleeping boyfriend and gently ran his hands through Virgil's newly cut hair, smiling happily. The prince-like boy was proud of his anxious boyfriend as he was coming to terms with who he is and Roman knew that was hard he'd gone through it himself, Virgil very much admired Roman for that, so he knew that it would take time for Virgil to understand and know who he is.

For months, maybe longer, Roman had been concerned as Virgil grew more distant as he chose to fight the war in his head alone but Roman was pushy and honestly, although he'd never admit it, that's what Virgil had needed, truthfully Roman knew that was the way his boyfriend felt and he didn't feel the need to make him say it. The creative boy made sure that his boyfriend knew that he didn't have to continue the fight on his own and that he'd be right there beside him to support him. Virgil still pushed him away and Roman had to admit that did hurt him but he knew why Virgil did, he didn't want to bother Roman knowing he had enough to deal with, but he wanted to help his love too.

It had taken a while but eventually Roman was able to coax everything out of the anxious boy, that night was spent with a lot of cuddles and tears but Roman knew he'd gotten through to Virgil. The next morning his boyfriend seemed to be a little more relaxed, a little more relieved and he acted almost like he use to before everything went to Hell. Roman promised Virgil that he would be there for him and he meant it... he proved that fairly quickly as he didn't seem to run off when Virgil lashed out or had his moments where he felt his stomach plummet and everything felt negative. That's what love is... being able to deal with faults and issues, that's what they don't tell you.

Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space
Get a load of this trainwreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
But little do we know, the stars
Welcome him with open arms

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