120. All because of locker graffiti

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Danti/Antiseptiplier (again book title relevance, are you proud of me?)

Homophobic slurs

I should be doing computing science revision cause I have an exam tomorrow but writing actually helps me relax and God knows I need to relax right now



"Nice earring!"

The raven haired male sent a small glare towards the commenter, rolling his eyes and stepping forward. Ignorance is a form of bliss used by people who can't be bothered to explain their mind and realise that there are people on earth who are different from them and that's not a bad thing. Darkiplier kept his mind positive going to his locker which was coated in painted black words. 'Freak, Worthless, Unwanted, Faggot' his eyesight blurred and a large lump formed in his throat, which he swallowed, this happened every year he didn't know why he wasn't getting used to it already, the people in the school were the ignorant ones. A boy with bright green hair and 'geek chic but actually needed' glasses leaned over and flashed Darkiplier a small smile, he was wearing a small top with Corpse Party written in blood styled lettering a flannel shirt tied around his waist, leather leggings and biker style boots. There was no denying he was attractive but he was also being friendly towards Dark which was something new for him. The male opened the locker next to Dark's pulling out a spray bottle and a cloth and he cleaned the words away, tutting slightly as he did so. The male glanced at the male who had decided to help him unsure of what to say he smiled back at him with a rather freaky grin. "They use to do that to me so I understand," The boy told him his voice surprisedly sharp and a thick Irish accent was apparent through his speech. "Um... I'm Darkiplier... but you can call me Dark," he informed the attractive male awkwardly. The boy spat on his hand before holding out for Dark to shake, "The names Antisepticeye but I prefer to be called Anti." Dark looked down at Anti's hand which was dripping with his own saliva and with a deep breath he hesitantly shook it, "Thank you by the way but you don't want to be seen around me." Anti only chuckled before replying, "Course I do, I need a friend and I was once in your boots." The male knew he couldn't escape him and took a deep breath and opted to be accept his fate of becoming this strange but funny boy's friend.

He didn't expect Anti to hang around for long anyway nobody stuck around when they knew, when they knew everything about the male. The thing that has made him move schools when he was ten. However Anti wasn't anything like what Dark had suspected, the male was loyal and refused to leave his side even when he knew, even when Dark told him his secret.  Anti was the one person out of his family he trusted with his secret, the one person he felt like he could tell everything too. He was the bestest friend Dark could ever ask for, he didn't have a reason for helping him that day but he did anyway. Although truthfully Anti's reason for helping Dark that day had been that he'd always found him sort of attractive and decided to make a move on the shy nerd but first he needed to actually get into the friend-zone.

"You don't hate me because I'm gay?" Dark questioned Anti after he'd told him but Anti had already knew he was gay in fact the whole school already knew it, it was the prime reason that Dark got bullied in first place well that and he was a nerd. "Why would I care? I ain't straight myself mate," He laughed punching his arm then resting on his chest and sighing, "One day this world will have turned to ashes and we'll all be dead and our lives won't have mattered, we're all going to die one day, nobody is immortal as much as we wish to be, the bullies won't matter one day." The words weren't exactly optimistic nor were they pleasant but they stuck out to Dark and made him grateful that he had someone by his side. Dark never forgot Anti's words and he never stopped reminding him. The bullies didn't stop but Anti was always there to wipe away the mess up and help Dark power through to the next day.

Anti was always there to support Dark and help him through everything in his life; his transitioning, with the bullies and everything. Eventually Dark started to develop feelings for the male who had approached him that one morning and he realised that his life had become a lot brighter with Anti in it. That night the two made it official and Anti would forever be there to clean away the words that society pinned on them. Nobody would have believed that there relationship was the cause of some bullies locker graffiti.

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