197. Body Issues

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Mentions of self-hatred

Lmao I know I have written in like forever and a new year will mean a new volume to this oneshot book (cause you think I'm going to stop writing... not a chance)

Literally all I've been doing is watching Shane Dawson so Shyland oneshotttt

706 (short but sweet)


Shane was very vocal about the fact that he faced issues with his body and that he thought he was over-weight having once been quite big however his boyfriend Ryland didn't agree with this and he thought Shane was perfect and he thought his boyfriend was more attractive than him which was proven in the lie detector test. Ryland admired the fact that Shane could be so open about the insecurities he faces and he wished to be the same... only he couldn't.

Sure Ryland was thin and petit but there are times were he too hated his body, he would look in the mirror and feel disgusted with what he saw. He honestly felt like smashing the mirror some days only he knew that was meant to bring bad luck so he couldn't. He would grab any amount of fat he could find on his stomach and play with it, frowning, he thought he looked awful despite Shane constantly referring to him as cute. Ryland was the one who Shane joked about in videos not understanding and how he was bragging whenever he said he could fit in something meant for children and Ryland knew it was jokes but that made him feel like he was being stupid to have these issues with his body.

Another issue Ryland had was with his face, he'd never really liked it since he was a child and as he grew up the insecurity had never really faded. He found himself staring in the mirror and hating what he saw staring back at him. It all was too much that he could feel tears threatening to fall and he couldn't stop them, he ended up breaking down and crying which was something Ryland never usually did.

Shane had just come home from hanging out with Garret and Drew, he immediately went for the stairs when he heard sobbing and the sight he saw in front of him broke his heart. Ryland was on the floor with his knees pressed up against his chest, tears falling down his face as he refused to look in the mirror. The older of the two went straight to Ryland's side and wrapped his arms around him, relieved when Ryland didn't push him off, and spoke gently, "What's wrong, baby?" He hated seeing his boyfriend cry. "I-It's stupid... I'm being stupid," The more feminine boy whimpered. Shane frowned, "It's not stupid if it's making you feel like this... please tell me." He made Ryland look him in the eyes. "I feel that I look awful... and when I look in the mirror I hate what I see... I feel like I'm gaining weight, which I know you're going to scoff at, and I just feel ugly..." He trailed off, trying to break away from the eye contact his boyfriend was making him have. Shane's heart shattered at that point, he'd never wanted Ryland to ever feel this way and he never wanted his boyfriend to be sad, he began to press gentle kisses down his face and lovingly whispered in his ear, "I think you're beautiful and perfect... even if you were gaining weight I'd still love you because you're you and there would just be more of you to love."

The couple then went downstairs... or rather Shane carried Ryland downstairs and pulled him onto the sofa, wrapping a blanket around the two of them and finding random YouTube videos to watch, he wanted Ryland to be happy. He knew he couldn't solve his body issues all at once but he would do anything to make Ryland feel pretty and loved... cause to him his boyfriend was perfect and he wanted to give Ryland the same support he'd given him. It would take time but Shane would help Ryland to love himself.

The two truly were perfect for each other and truly were in love.

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