81. We're all crazy

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I have no description for this

I've been watching Star vs the Forces of evil and I can't handle the amount of pain that tv show puts me through

344 (this is kind of stupid and doesn't make much sense btw)


"So you killed someone?"

Jack felt three pairs of eyes stare him down, staring at him with three completely insane murderers, needless to say he was utterly terrified. Mark sniffed and smirked, "Fear." The male leaned inwards, "Do I prepares make you uncomfortable?" Their faces inches apart Jack could feel Mark's warm breath hitting his face and turned up his nose in disgust at the fellow murderer. Ethan the overly-flirty male bashed his fist against the table getting Mark's attention along with Jack's. "Mark asked you a question, so give us a confession," Ethan rhymed with a bigger smirk as he ran a hand through his hair. Tyler took Jack's arm and smirked like his two friends, "What are you afraid?" His sharp teeth behind his harmless lips where revealed making the irishman want to vomit, the smell of blood was still on his breath and flesh stuck between his teeth. The three seemed fearless, brave, insane and above all terrifying.

Jack gulped the huge lump that was stuck in his throat and tried to speak but was only met by the lump yet again, what would he even say if he could speak? You don't lie to murderers yet he didn't want to be classed as one of them...

He didn't speak for what felt like forever and eventually Mark grew sick of the charade, "It would be wise of you to answer me love... or else you'll end up like Felix," He lifted Jack's chin with his forefinger making the Irishman look him in the eyes. He gulped and muttered out a one word reply.


He had indeed killed the girl but it wasn't his fault she had pushed him maybe he shouldn't have done it but he wasn't in control.

"Good," Mark smirked, "Welcome to the team."

"The team?"

"We're all crazy here my friend."

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