27. Blurry face

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You can only see the face of your soulmate (and yourself)

Fluff (?)

None you're safe (this time)

Soulmate au suggested by the fabulous @rileyasf



All the faces in the streets were blurry, not a single face had any features. None that Nate could see or pick out, sighing heavily he kept on walking. The path in front of him was the most clear thing on the street as blurry figures walked by entering his life for a moment before hastily exiting. Life flew by quickly and if Nate wasn't careful he could miss it, even though he was sad he hadn't found his soulmate yet and all his friends had, he found it easier to focus on all the beautiful things life had to offer that normal people would miss. The small glitters that came from the pavement, the small dancing ripples in puddles.

The sun lit up the street, showing off the perfectly happy couples - the ones who had found their soulmates. Despite the ebony's positive mindset he couldn't help but be jealous, they had what he so desperately wanted and they were flaunting it right in front of his face. He sighed heavily and looked down shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans, he slummed slowly, thoughts clouding his mind;
What if he didn't have a soulmate?
What if he was meant to be alone?

He was broken out of his thoughts by a happy squeal and suddenly a boy he didn't know had embraced in him a tight bear hug. Nate was confused but he hugged the strange boy back, feeling warmth and happiness in his embrace - that's unusual. "Oh my god I can't believe it!" The male said a wide smile on his face, Nate pulled away and looked at him. . . He could see all the features on his face. His eyes were a gorgeous dark brown and the ebony just lost himself in them, it seemed the boy was doing the same thing. His lips were pink and plump kissable, Nate wanted desperately to press his lips to the others but he didn't want to move to fast.

"I-I can see your. . ." The male trailed off.
"Face," Nate finished and smiled taking the boy's hand and kissing it, "I'm Nathan Sharp but call me Nate."
"I-I'm Mathew Patrick b-but call me Mat," Mat stutter slightly nervous but a small happy adorable smile spread across his lips.

"Well Mat. . . I guess we're soulmates," Nate chuckled nervously. Mat looked at him and laughed back, his own nervousness had vanished, "I guess we are. . . But you better take me on a date first."

The ebony smiled happily and got down on one knee and laughed, "Mathew Patrick would you do me the honour of going on a date with me?" He asked a cheeky grin on his face. "Why of course," Mat replied laughing.

They had their first date, the evening was full of fun and laughter, jokes and getting to know each other. Everything felt perfect and a few years later they tied the knot and made a family together happy until the day they died.

For they were soulmates.

That was so bad
I'm so sorry
But I really did try but the first time I wrote this it got deleted so. . . I got annoyed
Anyway I hope you liked this I mean it was a happy chapter
(For once)
Stay awesome

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