30. Bathrooms at PAX

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This one is a surprise

Light lemon

Rough kissing, biting and maybe grinding (Do you need a warning for that?)

Do you guys like lemon?
And hopefully this makes up for the last few chapters XD



"I want you~" Mark growled in a low and seductive voice, his breath warm against Jack's ear. The Irishman shivered at the redhead's voice, "B-But M-Mark we're a-at PAX." He stuttered nervously and rubbed his arm. The gamer wasn't taking that as an answer. He smirked in a way he knew always got to his boyfriend and pinned his arms over his head not caring who was looking. With another growl he leaned into Jack's ear rubbing his crotch against his boyfriend's, "That's not the right answer baby~"

He pushed him to into the bathroom, locking the doors behind him. Mark growled at his boyfriend circling him smirking as he saw a tent in his jeans. "Now I want you want me... Just let me do what I want~"

Jack squirmed although deny the fact he wanted Mark badly, his squirming caused Mark to chuckle deeply. "M-Mark-" He stuttered blushing deeply. The redhead didn't the Irishman finish as he buried his head into Jack's neck kissing and biting at the sensitive skin causing a loud moan to escape his lips.

"M-Mark!~" He moaned loudly finally giving in.


"Is Jack okay?" A girl asked. Mark, Jack, Bob and Wade were doing a panel however Jack had fallen asleep seeing as he'd be awake late the night before. The Irishman's head was rested on the redhead's shoulder and he was snoring adorably causing Mark to smile.

Low moans escaped Jack's lips as his leg twitched and he gripped onto the gamer's top, "M-Mark!~" He moaned. Mark's face went as red as his hair and he cursed his brain, he bit his lip. The audience began to snicker and fangirl a little.

"Ooh I think he's fine," Wade snickered answering the girl's question, seeing his friend struggling. "Maybe you should wake him up?" Bob suggested.

Mark nodded and shook Jack awake. The Irishman opened his eyes taking a few seconds to adjust to the brightness. "M-Mark?" He stuttered sleepily. "Um..." Mark coughed blushing, "I need to talk to you babe... Away from everyone." He took off his and his boyfriend's microphones. He quickly dragged him off the stage and ironically to the bathroom, he locked the door behind him.

"What happened Mark?" Jack asked innocently. "Don't act so innocent baby~ you know the dream you had~ you just had to moan out loud didn't you and turn me on~" Mark growled seductively smirking as his boyfriend became flustered and confused. "Wait-but-what?" Jack stuttered blushing at his boyfriend's voice.

The gamer pinned him to the wall and muttered seductively to him, "I'll make your dream come true baby~"

Let's just say the moans after that didn't come from Jack's dreams.

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