62. Sickly Games

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If you want to know what any of the other names mean;
Hecate = Goddess of witchcraft
Charis = Goddess of beauty, charm and nature
Epimetheus = Titan God of afterthought
Algae = God of Pain
Thanatos = God of Death
Ares = God of War
Mark's other name = Erebus = Son of chaos
Jack's other name = Eros = God of Love


Also this is slightly gory but not really



Screams of mercy and pain echoed throughout the whole of the fiery domain more commonly named in the mortal world Hell. Blood staining the rocky ground hearts ripped clean from the body of unworthy mortals who failed at life. Bodies stuffed with the insides of their long dead relatives blood oozing from their mouths and eyes any body part still fully intact.

Mark the son of the devil was the one responsible for all this hellish surroundings. Simply because he was bored he choose to entertain himself in the suffering of others. The only thing the young make does besides enjoy the suffering of others was go to the choosing.

"Erebus the son of chaos you will be my successor and you will have a bride by the end of this year," Mark's butler Hecate stated.

Mark knew this was coming eventually and when better to look then the choosing when he got to chose worthy demons and annoying the hell out of Charis. That goody two shoes made him sick. Charis hated no one and was kind to everyone she met.

It hadn't always been like this though before the choosing Hell took whoever died and made them demons however according to Mark's father no one was worthy to be a demon and they were all put through suffering of the worst kind. Their bodies tied on a metal wheel spinning their body on the wheel go determine the pain they would be put through. Stretching, stuffing, dismembering, slicing and Mark's favourite tearing the body out from the inside turning the person's whole body inside out ripping their hearts out and either stomping on them or digesting the heart whole. Satan's successor wasn't intentionally like this it's just the way the hell raiser had been brought up.

To be completely honest Mark since birth had gone through hours of pain every day whether it was self inflicted or not was unknown to anyone but without fail his own screams would fill the air. Only it brought the boy pleasure the young devil enjoyed pain even if it was his own.

To smile happily... Well he never knew how to. He was never taught to that was the only sad part to this devil's history is he's never showed any signs of true happiness. He's never been happy ever. The suffering of others entertains him yes but Mark would never go as far as to say it made him happy. The young devil had never been happy he'd never smiled... For anyone or anything. He was incapable of the feeling it was alien to him. Suffering, pain, pleasure and loneliness where the only feels that weren't alien no they were common to the male.

and now he'd have to marry some women or male he didn't even have any feelings for. After all if he couldn't feel happiness how would be able to feel love. He couldn't marry someone he had no feelings toward being a demon or not. Son of satan or not.

An impossible match perfect.

All the chosen demons go into a death battle a survival game and if anyone actually manages to live they would become his bride male or women.

It would be impossible.


A game
Of survival


[ Jack ]

Day: Choice Day

Blood dripped from my forehead and down my back, I was panting, running out of breath by every passing second I couldn't breathe. How had gotten into this mess. I'm a idiot.

Once again I decided to speak my mind which was a bad idea in my school you can't speak your mind or you get punished. The school where you're either chosen by Satan and his son or God and his daughter or you failed and were sent into the mortal world.

Speaking about dying was forbidden if you died before your time or even spoke about death you were punished.

Aside from that today was choosing day. You were sent up when Satan's successor his son or God's daughter his successor decided if you were worthy of either heaven or hell. My Mother when I was born opted to believe I would be chosen by Charis God's daughter and be sent to Heaven where I would work as an angel rather then a demon. In my opinion being a demon sounded more fun about a year ago but a few weeks ago Satan decided his son needed a wife or a husband so we started a game. Anyone who was 'lucky' enough to be chosen to become a demon would be entered in a game of survival and who ever survived was to become his son's bride. The strongest demon they would be titled.

At this point in time I'm just hoping to not be chosen at all. To be sent into the mortal world would be a blessing instead of being stuck in his shitty school which was basically six hours of hell and heaven.

My best friend Epimetheus was overly excited to be getting out of his hell hole as he put it. He had messaged me at the break of dawn basically going crazy that he couldn't wait for this evening.

Great glad he was happy while I was hiding from the three men that had volunteered to be the ones to punish me their names Algea, Thanatos and Ares. The blood on my forehead and dripping down my back... well they'd managed to hit me a few times with a whip not that big a deal. Bloody hell this was suppose to be a school for Angels, Demons and Mortals to be.

I think they'd finally got tired of searching for me I uncurled my body from the hiding space where I'd been for the past twenty minutes or so. Just at that moment my phone started going off like a heartbeat, that was my text tone checking it was Epimetheus demanding me to go see him. Rolling my eyes I rose to my feet and went to our usual meeting place.

Epimetheus grinned at me, "Eros!" I rolled my eyes for the second time today. "I told you Epimetheus call me Jack." He grunted, "But that's such a mortal name!"


[ Mark ]

I sighed as I sat in my throne, I leaned back slouching as my eyes studied the fresh meat. A few of them caught my attention but there was one boy who immediately caught my eye, he was leaned against his friend's arm and a bored look on his face. I couldn't blame him Charis could be pretty boring especially when she droned on about the mortals being our friends Blah blah blah who actually cares... Humans suck.

"You," I pointed to him dragging him out of the crowd, everyone stopped talking and watched him curiously. Charis smiled sweetly not seeming the littlest bit annoyed that I'd cut her off. He raised an eyebrow and causally walked out the crowd in front of me, "Don't expect me to bow." He stated sharply. I couldn't help but smirk, he had spirt, "What's your name?" I asked interested by this boy. "Jack," He said calmly. That's a mortal's name... This kid definitely isn't a mortal, "Your real name."

"Don't have one," He lied. I growled immediately angered by this boy, who exactly does he think it is, "From this moment on... You are a demon, you will serve me... And you shall be punished for your lying I shall make you feel more pain then you've ever felt in your life."

"Try me."

Oh I'll definitely try him.

// Should I make a part 2 of this? //

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