82. The Search Engines

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Look I'm finally writing XD and I'm working on the Star Vs the Forces of Evil one shot so that should be coming yer way soon

Suggestive lemon kinda? (Not really now that I'm done I've realised that)


Bingsepticeye or Bing for short was the first to open his eyes. A wide smile spread across his cheeks as he was ready to face the wonders of the world in front of him, he couldn't wait to see what the human race was like. He was radiating happiness and nobody could resist smiling around him. He was a little ball of sunshine.

His facial features were much like Jack's including a small stubble however one of his eyes was a light yellow colour and the other an ocean blue. He had a trail of freckles that dusted his nose and ran onto his cheeks and bright yellow hair that seemed to shine in the sunlight. He wore a yellow and black hoodie which had a glowing B which resembled that of the Bing's logo. "Good morning world!" He exclaimed his voice slightly high-pitched and cheery sounding, a voice that could bring a smile to anyone's face.

Slowly he lowered himself from the table he'd awoken on, his legs dangling off the side before he jumped. He giggled happily as he hut the ground, "Time to go on an Adventure!" He exclaimed sneaking around the lab he'd woken up in when he came across a sleeping figure. The figure had black-hair and tanned skin, he had one metal arm and one human arm, he wore a simple blue t-shirt with a glowing G on it resembling the logo for Google. Bing had no doubt who this was, he knew it was Google and he was immediately excited for getting to meet a new friend however Googleplier ,which was his official name, hadn't woke up yet.

"You're awake then," Came a cheerful yet tired sounding voice came from the entrance of the lab. A man who looked like Bing walked in, his green hair glowing slightly thanks to the bottles around him. "I'm Jack and I'm the scientist who created you," He smiled at the humanoid. "Hello! I'm Bing!" Bing introduced himself waving madly. "MARK ONE OF THEM IS AWAKE!" Jack yelled jumping up and down happily, he gave Bing a tight hug.

"Well done Jack! Seems like all the late nights were worth it then," Another voice came from the darkness only this time it sounded much deeper. A man who looked like Google walked into Bing's vision and smiled in a friendly manner towards Bing, "I'm Mark," He introduced. "Hello! I'm Bing!" Bing introduced himself again with as much energy as the first time. "Jack I love him already!" Mark exclaimed. Jack giggled and playfully punched Mark's arm, "You better not fall for him and leave me." The black-haired male pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of Jack's nose, "Never in a million years."

A low groan came from behind the three of them along with the cranking sound of gears moving and shifting which caused Bing to shudder, why was it so loud? And was someone in pain? Immediate worry consumed him however he hid behind Jack and Mark rather scared. He didn't want to get hurt, he'd just gotten a life and he didn't want to lose it so suddenly.

Googleplier's eyes snapped open and a arrogant smirk immediately spread across his lips. His irises were a deep shade of red with small flecks of gold and brown, a strange mixture yet it looked rather attractive on him. He wasn't anything like Bing. He wasn't all happy and smiley ready for life and he certainly wasn't a little ball of sunshine, he was in his opinion a large raincloud. He didn't believe in the human's simple concepts of love, friendship and family, he was more interested himself although he did have a soft spot for cute puppies because I mean who doesn't. A long mechanical sounding sigh escaping his lips yet he didn't say anything leaving the two staring at him in shock. Google sat up in and got down from the table in a more graceful manner than Bing had. He looked at his two creators and scoffed before smirking again.

"You're hot, I wouldn't mind pounding into you," Google stated lifting Jack's head up with his forefinger immediately flirting with the YouTuber/scientist that had created him. Jack wasn't surprised by Googleplier flirty attitude as you see when the scientist had created Google he'd accidentally knocked some mixture into the pot, mixture that had been created by Mark to give someone irresistible seduction skills and make them almost irresistible to those who find them psychically attractive and even in some cases to those who don't, mixture that Mark had made for his own personal reasons. But back to the present, Jack shoved Google off him and chuckled as Mark glowered angrily at the humanoid nobody could flirt with his Jack apart from him, it just wasn't allowed.

Bing stayed hidden behind Mark and Jack, he had no idea why but he felt intimidated by the other search engine. He wanted badly to greet Googleplier as if he was a new friend but his body just wouldn't allow it. However Google did notice the floof of yellow hair that poked out from behind Mark and Jack and smirked barely giving the smaller humanoid anytime to react before pinning him against the nearest wall causing Bing to squeak in surprise and look incredibly vulnerable.

"The names Googleplier, thought I better let you know what name you're going to be moaning~" Google muttered huskily into Bing's ear causing the humanoid underneath him to shiver and let out a tiny whimper, a soft blush tinted his cheeks and he had no idea what was happening with his servers they were going wild out of nowhere. "I-I'm B-Bing, B-Bings-septiceye," Bing introduced his voice cracking all the over the place causing the more inferior search engine to chuckle deeply. He lifted Bing's chin gently and mumbled one word,


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