130. His personal maid

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Honestly I have no idea what the heckity heck I'm doing lmao

1479 (kinda cliche)

"Oh Dark's going to be so mad," Amy's voice squeaked as she looked at the broken vase on the floor. Anti rolled his eyes and approached the maid putting on a fake smile, "I'll take the fall for you this time." The maid looked relieved she fixed her glasses and hurried away before the butler could appear, he would be summoned by the noise and then immediately send Anti to Dark's office.
Anti started to clean up the mess Amy had made cutting his finger on the glass he burst out into a cussing rampage. "Fischbach servants should never curse," The voice of the butler ringed and Anti could practically see the smirk on his face. "Fuck." He cursed again but a little quieter this time. "Anti I won't inform young master of your doings if you don't mess up again," The butler sighed rubbing his temples. Anti groaned and got to his feet and nodded, "Sure Satan." A smirk formed on his lips as he looked at the butler who seemed mildly pissed off as he skipped away.

'Serves him right' Anti thought to himself.

Darkiplier Fischbach was his master and Anti was his own person maid however he tackled every day issues like Amy however he if he did even the slightest thing wrong he were sent to his drawing room. Where he got lain into like there was no tomorrow. Dark didn't care when anyone else fucked up only Anti. "Why did I agree to work for that shitty asshole," he grumble. "I don't think he's that bad," came the cheery voice of Ethan. He gave Anti a bright smile, "I was going to ask you how it was going but seeming like you're like this I'm assuming the master gave you a hard time again. Don't be discouraged Anti he likes you better then all of us it's obvious," his smile widened. 'That kid is way to happy' Anti thought and chuckled lightly. "Maybe some of Tyler's grub will cheer you up," The male grabbed Anti's arm and ran with him to the kitchen forgetting his own strength he near about tore Anti's arm out of its socket. He seemed overly excited but Anti knew it was only because he wanted to see his boyfriend Tyler.

Tyler and Amy were already in the kitchen sitting down talking upon seeing Anti the female jumped out of her seat. "T-Thank you for earlier," She stuttered rubbing the back of her neck. "No problem," Anti smiled he couldn't stay mad at Amy for long she did a lot for him and would cover for Anti if he needed it. "Let's tuck in." Tyler opted to cooking with his flamethrower which from the beginning wasn't the brightest of ideas. "Don't-" Anti started but it was to late the whole kitchen was set ablaze without thinking he absentmindedly took the flamethrower from Tyler's hands and tried to turn it off.

"Anti what are you doing?!"

At this moment he knew he was fucked. The butler was glaring at him obviously getting the impression Anti was trying to set the whole place on fire. "I must take you to the master," he stated leading him
away to the drawing room.

"Anti?" Dark looked slightly surprised seeing him and slightly skeptical too. The butler explained that he thought that Anti was trying to set the place on fire and that he was following Dark's orders to take Anti to him when he messed up. "Leave us." And the butler obeyed leaving. The male chuckled to himself, "Why do you insist on getting into trouble for other people?" Without meaning to Anti let out a small gasp of air, "I-I don't understand what you mean my lord," he stuttered nervously playing with the cuff of his sleeve. Dark traced the desk marking with his finger choosing his next words carefully, "The flamethrower clearly was Tyler's idea yet you didn't say so."

Like he cares the asshole just wants to lay into me but why is my heart beating faster?

"I-I," Anti stuttered unsure of what to say normally he would have come back with a sassy comment but he couldn't. Dark seemed to care. Dark rolled his eyes, "Anti would you like to help me on my next case?"

What he's offering to take me on a case with him! Calm down it's not like it's date! But still amazing!

"Sounds good," Anti grinned widely, "but what is the case?" "Girls are being targeted and taken from their homes then appear in a few days time with no memory of their families or friends and end up committing suicide." Anti raised an eyebrow confused Dark usually only did things with a motive so why was he inviting him on this case. "Girls?" He questioned. "Well you have an extremely attractive feminine figure for a boy I thought we could use you," Dark winked.

He's just using me for his case does he even care if I get hurt! Why didn't I just tell that stupid butler it was Tyler's flamethrower?

"I could always ask Amy and use an actual girl rather than you it's no big deal to me," He stated calmly. Dark was playing a game he knew that would piss Anti off. "Fine I'll do it but if I get killed my blood is on your hands," All the nervousness from before had vanished.

"I won't allow you to get killed I promise."

Anti rolled his eyes and exited the room without waiting to be dismissed. Dark rested his hand on his fist thinking. "He won't die he's unlike anyone else." He then went back to staging the plan.

"I look like a slut!" Anti snapped at Dark pulling the hem of his dress down lower it so it just reached his thighs and no more. "We want this person to be tempted," Dark replied blandly but refused to look at him. That comment caused Anti to blush furiously. The butler smirked looking at Anti, eyeing him up and down obviously not impressed. "Master Fischbach are you sure they're even going to try to take him?" he still had that smirk on his face that made Anti want to stab him in the eye with a butter knife until he begged him to stop.

The two males had dropped Anti off at the spot and were watching from the shadows but had enabled Anti with an earpiece. He sent a death glare in their direction before he was taken by surprise as he suddenly felt cold hands slide down the spine of his back. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing outside at this time of night. Come with me I can make you forget everything," A voice cooed in Anti's ear. The voice had a seductive drawl to it and clearly was fooled as he thought Anti was a female... or he didn't care.

Anti jumped this had to be the person. He sent a fist straight into their face and moved away from the grasp of the creep. "Searching for you!" He snapped. The male pulled out a knife and looked at Anti a crazed look in his eyes. "If I can't take you beautiful I'll kill you." This guy was clearly nuts and Anti felt his heart banging in his chest but definitely not in a good way. "This is an order kill that man!" Dark's voice barked. "As you wish my lord," Dark's butler bowed and started attacking the man.

Is it possible Dark cared about me almost dying? No it's probably just his loyalty to this case.

"Anti are you alright?" Dark asked running over to Anti. He was showing emotion and the fact that he cared caused Anti to smile before making a snide remark, "I'm fine just freezing thanks to your brilliant sense of fashion!" He wrapped his jacket over Anti's shoulders, "Better?" It was really his legs that were freezing not his top half but Dark never acted like this so Anti decided to go with it and nodded. The man who had creeped on Anti and had been causing all the trouble now lay on the floor dead. "Take us home," Dark ordered his butler.

"Anti are you sure your okay?" Dark asked again, he seemed to be really shaken by what happened. Anti groaned now warming in front of the fire he nodded before speaking, "Lord may I ask you a question?" Dark only nodded in reply. "Why did you take action back there only when he threatened to kill me?" Dark hesitated then decided on an answer, "because I didn't want to see him kill you."

"If you don't mind me being nosy why?"

"Because I love you."

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