145. Everyone knows Juanita

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None (I'd say Coco spoilers but it's not really cause I avoided all the main big spoilers)

The fact that I've gotten this far without making a Coco based oneshot is amazing (I changed it slightly so it would fit better and so there would be no spoilers)



"I know were we can get a guitar," Virgil sighed, not seeming very happy when Patton said that he had to play at the plaza to prove himself to his Great grandfather so that he could get his blessing and go home. Virgil had been roped in on this with a promise that Patton would put his picture up when he went home so Virgil could return to the mortal world.

The skeleton took the young wannabe musician to a part of town that looked dodgy and seemed like the type of place where you wouldn't want to be. "Cousin Virgil!" A skeleton yelled when he saw Virgil. "These guys are all your family?" Patton questioned. "In a way... we're all the people who don't have family, those who are being forgotten," Virgil explained rather hastily before swiping a bottle of tequila from a group of girls playing cards. "Where you going cousin Virgil?" One of the female skeletons asked. "To see Roman." The group shall shared a glance at each other, "Virgil I don't think that's a very good idea he doesn't want to see anyone right now." "Are you kidding who doesn't want a visit from cousin Virgil?" Was all he replied with before dragging Patton along behind him and opening the door to one of the houses.

Lying in a hammock with a hat covering his face was a skeleton who was wearing faded but very fancy attire. Virgil lifted the hat and grinned, "Buenas noches!" He greeted. "Go away Virgil I don't want to see your stupid face," 'Roman' spat back. Virgil's facial expression seemed to falter as the hostility apparently wasn't something he was used to from Roman. "Come on its Da-a de muertos!" He picked up a shot glass on the table next to the hammock and poured a glass to tequila, "I brought an offering." Roman just turned seemly unimpressed, "Get outta here!" "I would Ro but the thing is me and my friend Patton... we really need to borrow your guitar," Virgil stated, blurting out quickly as he pointed to the instrument that the skeleton was grasping however the question just made Roman grasp it tighter, "My guitar!" Virgil smiled sheepishly, "Yes?" "My prized, beloved guitar?!" He questioned. "I promise we'll bring it right back?" Roman didn't seem impressed with that, "Like the time you promised to bring back my van, my makeup, my masks, my femur!" Virgil rubbed the back of his neck, "Not like those times..." He lifted his leg with one of his hands then got on his knees in the hammock grabbing Virgil's collar and pulling him close, "Where's my femur, you-" Patton covered his mouth his hand to stifle a giggle at that. Just then Roman's body seemed to jolt and glow yellow before going back to normal and he fell in the hammock weakly. "Oh no... you okay Amigo?" The skeleton asked worried about his friend. "I'm fading Virgil... i can feel it... I couldn't play that thing if I wanted to."

Patton took a step back feeling like he was intruding. Roman looked up at Virgil and pointed at him weakly, "You, play me something." Virgil raised his hands, obviously opposed to the idea, "Oh you know I don't play anymore Ro, the guitar is for the kid," He gestured to the young musician who had sat down trying his best to stay quiet. "You want it, you've got to earn it," the fading skeleton was stubborn and he wanted Virgil to play him something. "Ay, only for you, amigo," He picked up the guitar and gave a shaky smile towards Roman, sitting down on the hammock, "Any requests?" The skeleton chuckled, "You know my favourite, Virgil."

"Well, everyone knows Juanita
Her eyes each a different color
Her teeth stick out and her chin goes in
And her knuckles, they drag on the floor-"

"Those aren't the words"
"There are children present!"

"Her hair is like a briar
She stands in a bow-legged stance
And if I weren't so ugly, she'd possibly give me a chance"

"Bring back memories," Roman laughed smiling at Virgil, he took his hat off and held it between his hands so that Virgil could see the wide smile on his face, "Gracias." His body started to glow yellow and he fell further back in the hammock until the skeleton turned to dust and the wind blew the yellow dust away, his hat falling on the floor. Virgil held the shot glass out the window holding it up to the sky before taking the shot putting it down on the table upside down, next to the one he'd poured for Roman. He passed Patton holding the guitar. "Wait what happened?" The young musician questioned. "He's been forgotten... when there's no one left in the living world who remembers you... you disappear from this world. We call it 'the final death'." Patton ran up beside Virgil, "W-Where did he go?" The skeleton didn't lie to the kid, he didn't see the point, "No one knows." "But I've met him! I could remember him when I go back!" Patton exclaimed, feeling like he could help bring Roman back. "No it doesn't work like that Chamaco. Our memories... they have to be passed down by those who knew us in life, in the stories they tell about us but there's no one left alive to pass down Roman's stories." He noticed how sad Patton seemed by this, "Hey happens to everyone eventually, come on you've got a contest to win."

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