128. Clouded

167 4 6

Slight Prinxiety

I don't think there's any

Now trans!Virgil is usually my favourite hc but for this headcanon I must make it clear that Virgil is not trans also this is supposed to get across that it's okay to be unsure of your gender and what you identify as but I don't think I got that across very well lmao

Also you guys keep me in check cause I keep writing stuff that worries my girlfriend



It was like his vision was clouded. He couldn't reach the truth that's why Virgil was unsure of where he stood. He knew his sexuality, he liked dudes hence why he was in relationship with Roman but when it came to gender he wasn't exactly sure. He used his assigned pronouns and he was happy being male although occasionally he would refer to himself as female and he felt like a girl and he wanted to be one other days he felt happy being himself... he wasn't sure. Roman, Virgil was pretty sure, thought he was trans with how much Virgil referred to himself as a girl but that wasn't right... that wasn't how he felt. He wasn't transgender that description didn't met how he felt.

He would look in the mirror and somedays he would smile at how much he looked like a girl other days he would despise it and want to chop his hair off. The truth was that he was unsure and he didn't even know where to start looking for the answer. He wanted to understand himself but at the same time he was slightly glad that he couldn't label himself because that meant no one else could. Everything was clouded and he couldn't find the answer. Sometimes it bothered him other times he didn't care. He didn't really care what other people thought his gender was but he wished he could understand it. Virgil didn't get offended if people called him a boy or a girl it didn't bother him what they thought but for his own sake of mind he wished he understood it.

Virgil had never outright told Roman any of this but he was sure that Roman knew that Virgil had some form of conflict going on with his gender or maybe it was just that he kept expressing that he wanted to be a girl but that was normal for him. It wasn't even that he was worried about not being accepted he knew he would be it was just that he didn't understand it. It didn't upset him it just was frustrating not to know.

It was like his vision was clouded but he wasn't upset by that.

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