187. Proof he's the one

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This is loosely based around something that did genuinely happen with my family whilst we were away




Roman was getting to meet his boyfriend, Virgil's, family for the first time and it was already becoming a mess. The family, as a collective, besides Virgil and his granda were competitive, which made things extremely interesting for Roman.

They were gathered around Virgil's aunts Alexa playing a game called Kings of Trivia. They had been put in teams, naturally Roman and Virgil got put together. "What does Santa use to check if children have been naughty or nice?" "A list!" "Sorry Alex is not correct." The problem with the game was that the voice recognition was awful and didn't really pick up anything anyone was saying. It was rather annoying but also entertaining. "What is the sun mostly made up of?" The Alexa asked. Virgil's cousin was having her go with her husband at this point and she cut off his answer by yelling, "FIRE!" Which unfortunately was not correct but made everyone start laughing.

Roman was intensely competitive and he wanted to win. He'd quickly gotten along with Kevin, Virgil's cousin's husband, as he was also competitive and a stickler for the rules he got especially angry at doggies leg during scrubby dominoes. They'd wanted to be on a team together as well because both possessed a wide range of knowledge however the family had decided that partners was a more fair way of teaming up so Roman had ended up with his boyfriend. Virgil was also very distracting for Roman, he kept leaning over to kiss him which Roman did enjoy just not whilst they were meant to be playing a game.

The best part was game of fame where Roman got to show the family his acting side, he had to fill his mouth with water and sing, use accents and act animals out. The family had fallen in love with Virgil's boyfriend. He'd made a great impression on them. They found him charming and witty which Roman enjoyed reminding Virgil who was rather the opposite. It was amazing how it only took them three days to fall for Roman and approve of him. Roman had needed their approval to propose to Virgil.

The only thing they disapproved of was how loud Roman and Virgil were during making love but even then Roman found a way to make a joke and make the whole family love him again.

Virgil knew he was with the right one after that small getaway. It was all the proof he needed.

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