133. This is home

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None boyos this is just fluff

I'll be fucked if I can answer why I keep writing with trans!characters I wish I knew the answer

Also y'all should listen to This is home/cut my hair by Cavetown cause it's an incredible song



"Are you ready Virge?" Roman asked smiling at his boyfriend as he waved his scissors in front of his face, he already knew the answer but he wanted it confirmed just incase Virgil freaked out because he knew he hadn't told his parents he was doing this. "Do it," Virgil nodded with solid conviction. He wanted this, he had wanted this for a long time and it had been a long time coming. Roman nodded and ran his hands through the long purple hair in front of him thoughtfully, he had remembered calling Virgil his girlfriend but he was happy knowing that his boyfriend had accepted himself. He held the scissors high and took a deep breath slicing them through the hair watching the massive wad of hair fall to the floor. Roman had taken the mirrors away from Virgil and was doing this in the room without a mirror so his boyfriend couldn't see what was happening which made Virgil somewhat anxious but he was also grateful for it at the same time. "Well it's too late to go back now," Roman laughed holding up the heap of hair and waving in front of Virgil's face so he could see how much was gone. The anxious boy's lips curled up into a smile and he leaned back against Roman's chest blissfully, he felt free and it was amazing. "Virgil, baby, I actually need to sort it you can't go out the way it is now it looked like some dragged you through a hedge," The Prince-like boy chuckled and ruffled his boyfriend's hair.

Roman set about sorting his boyfriend's hair and shaving parts of it, cutting other parts of it until it looked representable. He smiled seeming pleased by his work, "You know I should go hairdressing, I'm good at it." He laughed and actually went to get a receive a mirror so his boyfriend could see what he done. Virgil's smile just widened and he hugged Roman tightly, "Thank you Roman, I love you."
"And I love you too."

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