58. Grim Reaper

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"Suck my left dick!"
"I think what Snow trying to tell you is you can never have too much dick."
"You've gotta have just enough for everyone."
"Go out there and slut it up."
[ No one will get where this is from ]

Strap in this is gonna be a long one...



"Would you rather be a member of the Survey Corps from Attack on Titan or be one of the children from Corpse Party?"

"Definitely the Survey Corps I'd rather be eaten by a Titan then have my tongue cut out of my mouth!" Mark knocked his vodka bottle over Ethan's head, "Don't ask such stupid questions."

"It's not stupid," He moaned rubbing his head from where he'd hut him, "Don't be a bitch Mark." He chuckled and stuck his tongue out at him.

The final member to their trio, Tyler was watching the two of them with a water balloon in one hand and a can of beer in the other a wide set grin spreading across his face. "Gotta go fast!" He yelled throwing the water balloon towards his two friends whom almost immediately jumped up.
"Don't be a meme Tyler," Mark sighed mentally slapping himself for showing the idiot the dark side to the internet.

At first glance these three idiots would seem like your average nerdy group or outcasts, they were in fact three of the best Grim Reapers despite Mark being a massive slacker, Ethan having an issue of telling the person he's judging what he's going and Tyler just being Tyler. The trio weren't always Reapers they were turned Reapers but choice of the Soul Society somehow believing they had the skills and qualities of a Grim Reaper.

Mark was the only one out of the three that kept his memories of their past lives fully, simply because he'd refused to give them up in the 'turning' which resulted in multiple scars appearing over his body.

The turning was the term used by the soul society meaning the changing of a mortal to a fully fledged Grim Reaper. The turning can have a number of side affects based on the person for example, Mark got numerous scars over his body for refusing to give up his memories however the side affects do vary.

"Why do you hurt me in these ways Mark?" Tyler sniggered grabbing his heart and falling dramatically to the floor. Ethan who had recovered from being hit on the head by a Vodka bottle rolled his eyes and threw Mark over his back and taking Tyler by the ear dragging them around the fire they'd set up outside Soul Society headquarters.

"Truth or Dare?" Ethan practically begged the two with his giant puppy eyes, sighing his friends gave in. "Truth," Mark answered hastily, Tyler looked disappointed by being missed out but was curious.
Ethan smirked darkly, "Have you ever been in love?"
Mark glared at him and sighed.
"Personally I don't believe in the concept of 'love' it's just a fancier word used for attraction towards another it simply meant to relive the mind of the dream a child has, to fall in love. However is your asking if I've ever had a strong attraction towards someone. . . Well yes there was a guy."

The two Reapers stared at her for a minute analysing what she'd just told them, then Ethan fangirled while Tyler smirked at him. "Screw the game of Truth or Dare I want to know this shit," Tyler demanded somehow still keeping the smirk plastered to his face. "I. Do. Not. Wish. To. Speak. About. It." Ethan's eyes were sparkling with anger. Ethan rested a hang on his best friend and fellow Reaper's shoulder and sighed, "Sorry." Tyler nodded in agreement with Ethan.

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