146. Change

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More Anti based not really a ship but got some Danti?


Lmao I had a shit day (although my girlfriend's song that she wrote for me was a good part of the day) so have something I wrote during my double free period (also I got my mum to get me a notebook so I can write in that rather than whipping my phone in school to write on wattpad)



Anti never liked change. He could adapt to it but that didn't mean he likes it. He wished to go back to when times were simpler, when everything you heard was the truth - at least as far you were aware -, when drama is stupid and laughable and when there was a less likely chance of being confused about who you are.

He misses the old friendships where you would fall out then and make up again half an hour later. He misses the confidence younger children own being able to stand up and say whatever you were thinking. Most of all he misses looking in the the mirror and seeing himself, now he's just told it's him... but that doesn't feel the truth. Although to find a silver lining the friends are definitely better now and relationships mean a lot more, there is more loyalty, most honesty, more feeling.

There is more fear now, more anxiety, surrounding certain subjects and it becomes impossible to discuss as there is more information then what there was as a child, more opinions and Anti learnt very quickly where people stand. It's easier to lose the people you've own your whole life, your own family barely look you in the eyes... so you lie through your teeth and it becomes hard to speak about it to with anyone even those who are accepting.

Yes Anti never liked change but sometimes he wonders if it might be better to embrace it. To openly say the changes and be honest. Accept himself and hope it goes well. Maybe that way he'll grow to like change.

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