182. The acts of a lover

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Lmao this is a low-key vent



"You've got to me fucking with me," Anti sighed as he looked down to see the blood. He knew it was coming and he'd been a few days late so he thought he'd simply skip a month as he does sometimes and just get double the pain the next month however that was not the case. He frowned and looked around the bathroom finding an unopened packet and he sorted himself out before coming out of the bathroom. He knew this was going to happen... he'd been feeling good the past few days and he'd been extremely happy and he'd got new clothes which made him feel manly. He still felt happy just there was a numbing pain in his abdomen reminding him of biology which did get to him.

He threw himself onto the sofa and put on a random show, he'd been out earlier in the day because he had to meet some old co-workers so he'd had a nice time with them and then had a small look around time so he'd been able to distract himself from the pain. Dark was unfortunately still at his work and Anti debated over whether to shoot him a text or not about his current state because he knew his boyfriend would look after him however he didn't want to bother him so he decided to leave it and wait for him to return home. Anti instead pulled a blanket over his head and curled up under the soft fabric but trying to sleep just made his brain focus more on the pain so he realised he had to watch whatever rubbish he'd put on the TV and honestly he wasn't exactly sure what it was some nonsense about saving money probably.

He let the show distract him for a while although he wasn't exactly focused on the moving screen. Anti did consider going to fish out a movie that he liked so that he would be occupied and he would actually pay attention, he thought about Coco but realised his DVD was upstairs and the thought of that hike made him physically tired so he just watched the show. His brain ticking away constantly trying to remind him of biology and talk him down but Anti still tried to keep his positive state of mind... he'd been a lot happier recently and he felt amazing as he had Dark and Dark was honestly the perfect boyfriend so he didn't want to lose that mindset.

A while later the door was unlocked and Dark trudged in seeming slightly tired but happy, he had a smile on his lip and a bouquet of roses in his hands. He'd seen them as he passed the shop and thought of Anti. "For you, my love," He presented to the flowers to Anti who giggled and literally had the hold them against his nose so he could smell them. "They're beautiful Darky... thank you," Anti leaned up and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. Dark sat down on the sofa next to Anti and pulled the smaller male towards him more and he noticed when Anti winced for a moment he thought he'd hurt him until Anti explained. "Oh baby," Dark cooed and gently kissed the top of his head. He had gotten the flowers on a whim because he thought Anti would like them but it appeared he'd gotten them on a day that Anti needed love.

The two stayed cuddled together for a while as Dark mumbled loving comments about his boyfriend's masculinity into his ear. Anti couldn't have been more in love with Dark than in that moment, he leaned back against him and listened to everything his boyfriend was saying, the voice in his head seemed to quieten down too and he felt his heart banging away in his chest. They shared a few kisses and they remained cuddled before Dark suggested he orders a chipper and they watch a movie. Anti had recently shown Dark Coco so he knew it was unfair to make him watch it again as much as he loved the movie so instead he suggested Grease because he knew his boyfriend hadn't seen it and that he enjoyed musicals. "I love you," Anti mumbled and he lightly pecked Dark's lips before the movie began. His boyfriend wrapped an arm around Anti's waist and pulled the blanket over both of them, "I love you too."

The acts of a lover may seem small but they mean the world to those they are preformed on. Anti had needed Dark in that time and Dark been there for him.

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