186. Fiction becomes reality

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Danti (promise I'll write something different soon)


So I was away to sleep when this idea came into my head and I was like, "... it's perfect I must write it before I forget."

Also you guys should be proud of me cause I ain't venting



Anti just stared at Dark. He had no words. He was simply left opening and closing his mouth in shock. His eyes then narrowed and he spoke with a somewhat harsh tone, "What is this?" He hadn't meant for it come out as sharp as it did however he wasn't exactly happy with the sight in front of him. Dark, and Anti had no idea how, had managed to make his favourite fictional character come into the real world and they had previously been kissing before Anti had interrupted them. Dark looked at his boyfriend, "Uh... babe..." He trailed off for a minute not exactly sure what to say before just deciding to speak what was the truth to him, "You know I had too... I've been in love with him for ages." Anti raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms with a frown, "Darkiplier if I wasn't so in love with you I'd be screaming right now." He was more hurt than anything else.

Dark kept his hold on the fictional character. He looked at Anti then back at the character, he wanted to kiss them again but he knew Anti would disapprove. He didn't seem to notice how hurt his boyfriend was about the whole situation. "Antiiiii pleaseeee," Dark whined as he looked at the character's lips, "You know how much I love them." A small laugh left Anti but it wasn't a humorous one, it was more sarcastic than anything else, "You don't even know them... you know as much as the game allows you to see but you don't know how they'll react in a relationship." Dark then made a big mistake, "But I'd be willing to find out." For a moment there was silence before Anti spoke, "You'd be willing to leave me, a real person that you've been with for years and that you know well, for a fucking fictional character?" He was quite clearly more than upset. "Wait... I'd want to be in a relationship with you too, baby."

"I can't fucking believe you Darkiplier... I really can't..." Anti took a step away from his boyfriend who had reached out to touch him. He retracted from Dark as if he'd burnt him. "It's me or him Dark. Make a choice." Dark didn't move an inch. He didn't seem to really think about it either. Anti felt tears brim in his eyes, after all he'd done for Dark he was going to leave him that easily, but he was not going to made a fool of. "You've made your choice then," He turned his back to Dark. "I want you too Ant... I want to be with you both." He didn't seem to realise how much this was hurting Anti. He'd had a fictional character chosen over him. "No Dark you've made your choice," He walked away ignoring Dark's calls.

He gave him the middle finger the whole time he walked away, wiping the tears with his other hand.

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