3. Don't Trust Me

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Mark is the player of the school and his mission is to get into Jack's pants.

Light lemon (?)

Rough kissing (do you need a warning for that probably not because y'all need Jesus) Homophobic slurs


Black dress with the tights underneath
I got the breath of the last cigarette on my teeth
And she's an actress (actress)
But she ain't got no need
She's got money from her parents and a trust fund back east

Mark Edward Fischbach the male who managed to get into almost everyone's pants - the ultimate fuck boy of the school yet everyone loved him everyone expect his prey Seán William McLoughlin or Jack as his friends called him - the only one able to keep the fuckboy out of his pants.

Jack was disgusted by what Mark did to everyone that included his own friends but what the male found truly disgusting was his ignorance to what he'd done, the redhead never believed he did anything wrong to his victims especially as he usually did it when they were intoxicated.

Tongues always pressed to your cheeks,
While my tongue is on the inside of some other girl's teeth,
Tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef,
That I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him.

"Come to the party Jack... please," Wade begged the Irish male as Patrick and Garuku - Gar tried to drag the green haired male along with them.
"No guys I don't want to. I know what happens at those parties," The male argued but the three begged him, they weren't taking no as an answer.
"C'mon Jack what's the worse that can happen," Jeremy - JP spoke from the side, a grin on his face.
"Um how about Mark Edward Fishbach?"

"What about me? Has Jackiboy finally accepted he has a crush on me?" The male in question spoke appearing from behind and leaning himself against Jack.
"In your dreams Fishbach now bugger off," The Irish male speaks.
"Why do you tease me like this Jackiboy, I know you like me, come on you're the ultimate prize, the Queer, you've got to be the best," He whispered huskily.

The green haired male almost broke, he felt his knees go weak as Mark's lips were pressed up against his ear, he nibbled softly. Luckily JP noticed his friends struggle,
"Leave him alone Mark."

"I remember what you were like Jeremiah - Jeremy - JP whatever name you go by, so you have no right to deprive Jackie here of the same fate," Mark smirked. Wade shoved the redhead away.
"Push off Mark," Gar remarked as Patrick glared at the player.
"Alright but mark my words Jackie, I'll get you... you can't resist me."

"Do you understand why I don't want to go now!" He yelled but Patrick grinned darkly,
"And you've seen that we'll protect you... please Jack!"

The male rolled his eyes knowing he'd regret his next choice of words,

She wants to touch me
She wants to love me
She'll never leave me
(whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh),
Don't trust a hoe,
Never trust a hoe,
Won't trust a hoe,
Won't trust me

"This is a bad idea guys honestly," Jack tried to reason with his friends as they stood outside of the house hosting the party, loud music was blaring from speakers all around the home, you could hear the music clearly from the top of the road.
"Come on Septic it'll be fine," Wade chuckled pushing the door open.

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