148. Bases

113 6 10

Natepat (cause people literally won't leave me alone until I write one lmao love you guys)

Literally none this should be fluffy or at least funny

Boi this is my base system and it's weird as hell

436 (not that well written cause although I like the story I don't really ship Natepat that much anymore and was only writing it cause that's what people wanted)


In Matt and Nate's relationship Matt had bases... but they weren't the normal bases.

Base 1 - Handholding

This one Nate was allowed to do. Matt let Nate hold his hand and honestly rather enjoyed it because it was cute and gay, which are two of Matt's favourite things in life.

Base 1.2 - Kissing of the cheek/forehead

Nate had permission for this one as well as Matt seemed to have this unexplainable problem with kissing his boyfriend's cheek several times in a row which sounded weird in his boyfriend's ear and Matt just enjoyed doing it to mess with Nate and, of course, also to show him how much he loves him.

Base 1.3 - Regular kissing

Another one that Nate was allowed and had been allowed for a while... one of the first times they did it without it being awkward was at their mutual friend Jonathan's house. Honestly the two for a while were more comfortable being romantic around him and Stephanie then they were just the two of them... eventually they grew out of that.

Base 2 - Biting (because the base system skips a lot)

This was one that Matt constantly joked with Nate about it as Nate liked to bite near Matt's face whenever he leaned in close to him or something along those lines. He always teased Nate saying that he's getting nearer and he'll get there eventually.

Base 3 - Make out (although is joked about murdering someone or getting a dog)

Nate is not at this stage yet and actually it's one that Matt and Nate only really ever joke about because both are still quite young.

Base 4 - Groping

Matt constantly winds Nate up about this one saying that he is at a higher base with Jason, who he accidentally groped one Halloween when trying to hug him, than his own boyfriend.

Base 5 - I'll let you figure that one out yourself

Matt only really has the base system because for one; he likes to tease his boyfriend and make him work after pinning for three years but also to prove that his boyfriend is committed and is not just using him (even though if that was the case Nate probably would have found someone hotter) and so far Nate has proven to be committed and Matt trusts him a lot after all he taught him what love is.

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