7. It's all for the camera

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Mark and Jack pretend to have a relationship thanks to a bet with their friends - Bob and Wade.

Fluff (?)




"Hey Mark bet you can't pretend to in a relationship with Jack for a month," Bob bet the gamer smirking darkly.
"I can do one better - that's if you're okay with it Jack?" Mark asked the green haired Irish male who with a deep sigh nodded.

Personally Jack didn't exactly want to do this knowing the bet would somehow backfire on him but seeing the redhead's determination he just didn't have the heart to say no.

"Then at vidcon we'll..." The redhead went on to explain the plan as Wade fangired from the side and Bob collapsed into laughter and called their friends to inform them of the plan.

The Irish found himself scared about vidcon rolling around but looked at the gamer and remembered he was doing it for Mark, he didn't have any other option.


"Seàn William McLoughlin I fell in love with you since the moment we first met, we began dating in secret and I didn't want to just say to the fans this is my boyfriend, it seems so less real that way, makes us feel so far apart I want to be with you always," Mark got down on one knee just like they practiced as Jack pretended to be surprised and forced tears to fall from his eyes as a hurricane of fangirl's screams almost blocked out the next words,
"Will you marry me?"

The words sounded so real coming from the redhead's mouth and a part of Jack wanted to believe they were however it was all an act. Despite all his thoughts the male nodded,
"Yes." He forced himself to cry more as the gamer slipped the ring on his finger and slid his arms around his 'fiancée's' waist and pulled him close and whispered gently but loud enough for the fans to hear,
"I love you Jack."

The next part hadn't been rehearsed and it caught Jack off guard as Mark dipped him and kissed him passionately. The sound of a few bodies hitting the ground echoed before the screaming starting again, a few people had fainted.

Questions about their relationship soon flooded into Twitter for the Q&A being done and obviously they'd practiced everything to say, made up answers and lies left their lips as they answered all the questions asked.

Everything went according to plan and their act was believable now to keep it up for a whole month.


"Good acting," Jack commented after the show he forced a cheesy grin onto his face, he let out a scratchy chuckle as he pulled his eyes away from the redhead.
"Thanks you weren't too bad yourself but remember we have to act like we're together any time we're in public," Mark reminded Jack with a small snigger.

"Mark..." a young girl came over to them, she looked about eight to young to be watching Mark's videos the two thought but the redhead grinned and lent downwards - not that either of them needed to.
"I just wanted to say I'm happy for you and Jack! It's cute! I didn't know boys and boys could date... I mean I know you like to speak about the thing called a dick but... I never learnt that before so thank you two..." she spoke nervously twirling her hair.
"Awe thank you, what's your name?" The gamer asked as Jack gave her a small hug.
"I'm Rosanna."
A tall woman came over and chuckled at Rosanna,
"Come on now Rosie, let's leave Mark and Jack to speak about wedding plans."
As they left the older female turned back and winked.

The two looked at each other and burst into uncontrollable laughter,
"Well guess we weren't that loud, now let's go see Bob and Wade."


"I can't believe they actually did it," Wade sniggered to Bob as they watched the recordings of the proposal that had gone viral.
"At least now maybe they'll really get together," Bob smirked at his friend.
They saw the two 'engaged' men come over and sharply stopped talking about the bet and greeted the two.

"Guys! Great show!"
The redhead took in the surroundings of the room noticing all the fangirls watching them and wrapped his arm round Jack,
"Duh, I was in it!"

Fangirls screamed loudly and ran over to Mark and Jack immediately asking questions mostly to the two males but some to Bob and Wade.


A few hours later the gamer and the Irish male went back to the hotel room they booked together a few months pier to vidcon.

"Hey Jack," Mark called as the threw himself onto the double bed,
"Care to join me?" He joked and patted the space next to him. The Irish male laughed lightly and shook his head,
"Not a chance Markimoo."

Their laughter echoed around the room as the Irish male collapsed next to Mark.
"Guess I did have a chance," the redhead chuckled as he cuddled into Seán who just rolled his eyes and cuddled up into the male.

"I love you my fiancée," Mark whispered in his ear sleepily. With a heavy sigh Jack closed his eyes and felt Mark kiss the top of his head.
"I love you too Markimoo."

Jack couldn't help but pretend it wasn't just for the cameras, he wanted this to be real so for the month about to come he decided to believe it wasn't all an act.

He pretended Mark truly did love him.

Mark really was an amazing actor.

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