60. Friends for(n)ever

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Are ya'll proud of me I've been writing a lot more lately... Or have they all been really bad?



~Five years old~

"Nate try this drink."

Sitting in Mat's bedroom with smuggled in drink two five year old boys sat with wide grins on their faces. A male chuckled at his friend's stupidity and smiled, "Alright Mat."

The ebony male picked up the drink and immediately turned up his nose at the taste. "Gross!" He exclaimed accidentally tipping some of it on the carpet.


"Yes Mat?"

"Promise me we'll be friends forever."

Nate smiled taking his friends hand as the two children stared at the ceiling.

"I promise we'll be friends forever."

They both smiled falling asleep with the beer stained into the carpet but neither had a care in the world.

~Ten years old~

"Wait up Mat!" Nate panted running after his friend. Mat smirked, "You need to exercise more Nate."

The ten year olds were always side by side practically glued at the hip.

"Not a chance."

Mat laughed at his friend, "what do you see for the future?"

Nate was taken back by the random question but tried to think quickly, "I don't know I mean we only just got in double digits. What do you see?"

The brunette thought about it then smiled softly, "I see you and me."

The ten year olds hands connected they fitted perfectly together in Nate's opinion.

"You really see us together in the future?"

"I do remember our promise."

~Twelve years old~

Nate took a deep breath and looked at his mother who nodded towards his encouragingly and pushed him out the door almost directly into Mat's chest.

"Mat there is something I need to talk to you about."

The brunette smiled softly, "Sure anything."

He waited until they got to school and sat them in front of their tree.

"I'm gay."

The words got caught in his throat he choked and spluttered them out towards Mat.

Then ruining everything, the bell rang.

The lesson passed by slowly and painfully until break where Mat was no where to be found.

A female with raven-coloured hair approached him holding out her hand with a wide grin, "I'm Morgan," Her eyes then glanced over to a side of the courtyard Nate hadn't seen yet and her gaze turned sympathetic. "Why is your friend hanging out with  Stephanie and her friends?"

The group must have noticed Morgan's glances as they came over Stephanie balancing off of Mat's arm.

"Hey fag."

// Disclaimer: I don't believe that Mat would never say that nor do I believe Stephanie is bad also I hate that word so much //

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