4. Drunken Words

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One night after a drunken prop hunt video Mark decides to call Jack and to admit feelings he has for him.


None (unless swearing counts)



Under the influence of alcohol you can do things you wouldn't usually even dream of doing if you were sober, sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. Alcohol can be your escape or even give you an excuse if you blurt out something you didn't mean to. It truly is a gift given from the heavens.

Mark Edward Fishbach is slumped back in his chair after a drunken prop hunt video recording with Bob and Wade, his phone is balanced in between his hands and in his drunken state he's a mess. He's still on the Skype call to the two other drunks.
"M-Mark you shoulddddd callll Jack," Wade slurred,
"Septiplier away!"
The redhead nodded almost falling out of his chair,
"Shut up Wade! But good idea."
Bob grinned,
"Yes, you should calll Jacksepticeyeeee."

The drunk agreed with the two males and hung up on the other drunks. The world around the gamer seemed to be spinning however despite his state he managed to find Jack's contact and he pressed the call button not realising the time it was.


"Fook, who could be calling at this time?" Jack asked groggily, he stretched and looked at his computer screen which was glowing with Mark's icon, he yawned and clicked accept and the drunken male came into view.

"Jackiboyyyy," He slurred with a wink. The green haired male rolled his eyes at his friend's state,
"Mark you're drunk. You should probably get some rest, I'll call you later."

Just as he was about to hang up the gamer spoke again,
"Pleaseeee talk to me for a while." He gave Jack the best puppy eyes he could muster and the Irish male gave in.
"Okay, but only for half an hour then you've got to sleep!"
Mark grinned widely,

"So what do you want to talk about?" Jack asked the drunk softly, his voice slow but Mark just looked at him through the screen and kept a stupid grin plastered to his face.
"Stop looking at me like that you goof."


The half an hour Jack had given Mark was on its last few minutes and the drunk knew that and a part of him urged him to tell the Irish male something he never would dream of telling him sober.

"Jackiboy, I like you," Mark slurred. The Irish male froze, he couldn't say anything about to the drunken gamer.
He means it as a friend
He's drunk
But part of him couldn't help but hope.

"Markimoo you're drunk and the half an hour is up, you have to go to bed." His voice had a lace of sadness in it, he wanted the drunk to sleep so he could forget about everything that had happened.

"But Jackiboy you never replied to what I said - I like you a lot," The gamer repeated himself. He looked at the redhead with pleading eyes.

"Mark you're drunk - you don't mean it." The Irish attempted to reason with the redhead but he just kept giving him puppy eyes, pleading the male.

"I mean every word and just because I'm drunk doesn't mean I don't mean it - I like you so fucking much."

Quickly the green haired male pressed the hang up button but not before accidentally blurting out,
"Stop toying with me! I know you're drunk but I've had a massive fooking crush on you since day one! I can't handle this please just sleep!"


The gamer woke up the next day with a banging headache, he put a hand on his head and let out a moan of pain.
"My fucking head!"

He saw his computer screen was glowing with Bob and Wade's icons, he answered the group call and greeted them,
"Morning guys."

"It's the guy himself!" Wade exclaimed loudly making Mark grip on his head,
"Shut the fuck up Wade! I have a shitty headache anyway what do you mean?"

Bob smirked,
"You told Jack how you felt about him last night - he called us afterwards."

"SHIT YOUR FUCKING WITH ME RIGHT?!" The gamer screamed.

"Nope, you should call him," Wade told him with a giant grin making the Mark roll his eyes,
"Septiplier away!"


Mark's finger lingered over Jack's contact, he took a deep breath and clicked the right mouse button and the computer started dialling for him.

The Irish male came into view a few seconds afterwards, his eyes were sticking together with sleep and his hair was a mess,
"Morning Mark, you got a hangover?" His voice was scratchy and he sounded tired.

"Yeah a fucking horrible one too." The redhead chuckled running a hand through his hair.

"Hey... Mark do you remember anything you said last night?" Jack couldn't help but ask and the gamer groaned trying to recall events from the night before.

"Bob and Wade told me what I said last night and... and... I'm sorry if it freaked you out," Mark commented scratching his neck nervously.

"You meant it?"



There was silence for a few minutes after Mark answered and he was just away to hang up when Jack let out a long sigh of relief,
"Thank fook at least it isn't one sided."

"Well that's good," The gamer smirked and looked into the camera of his laptop and he went down on one knee making sure he was in the view of Jack.

"Seán William McLoughlin will you be my boyfriend and we can share our subscribers together?"

The Irish male laughed and nodded.

"Yes Mr. Iplier I will."

"Jackiplier and Marksepticeye, I rather like that."

"Me too."

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