112. Treasure-Hunters

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Klance (I need to be stopped like seriously)


I swear it's fluffy (kinda?) this time

I got this idea whilst I was watching The Mummy so like idk

But it's not angsty so be proud of me



Keith and Lance were travelling together with the wish to get treasure which would help them get rich quickly which honestly was their goal. Now the two had met quite by accident whilst on a cruise taking them to Egypt however immediately they seemed to connect and considering they were both searching for the same thing; the Book of Amun-Ra. It contains within it all the secret incantations of the Old Kingdom but it was also made of pure gold which made it incredibly valuable and would definitely sell for a high price on the black-market. After a few arguments when it came to what they would do if they found the book they eventually agreed that IF they found it they would spilt the spoils as Keith was going to be traveling to Cuba anyway.

After a great deal of difficulty the two treasure hunters reached their location; Hamunaptra (also known as City of the Dead) and immediately began digging and it didn't take them too long to stumble across the pyramid that they wanted to inspect, the one they were certain contained within it the Book of Amun-Ra. Excitement took over the two and they decided to propose a toast to their success between the two as Hamunaptra as supposed to be a myth and wasn't even suppose to truly exist however they were in the city of the dead. Keith and Lance both searched their bags finding any form of alcoholic beverages they had brought with them.

It didn't take long for Keith to get drunk, him being the light-weight, and he immediately began speaking to Lance, "I bet you're wondering what a place like this is doing in a guy like me," His words were slurred clearly showing his intoxicated state. Now Keith had been rather quiet and hadn't shared much information about himself to Lance throughout their trip to Hamunaptra so the Latino regretted to say that he didn't know much about the dark-haired male. "Yeah... something like that," Lance giggled. "Well... Egypt is in my blood!" Keith leaned down and opened a locket which showed two men smiling widely and they both looked so clearly in love, "That's my dad Takashi Shirogane he was a rather famous explorer who loved Egypt... so much that he married my other dad, Matt Holt, an Egyptian man who was quite the explorer and adventurer himself!" He was smiling quietly widely his drunken state causing him to sway side to side as he tried to show the photo to his partner. "Now your dads I get but you... I don't get," Lance spoke truthfully, he didn't get Keith at all from what he knew was that the dark-haired male wasn't actually a treasure-hunter although he did refer to himself as one. "What do you mean? Now I may not be a famous explorer or an adventurer but I'm proud of what I am!" Keith stood up swaying on his feet. Lance raised an eyebrow chuckling a little, "and what is that?" Keith nodded and looked up proudly, "A librarian!"

A couple of minutes past without either of them doing a thing before Keith leaned forward, his cheeks a light shade of pink from the alcohol in his system, "I'm going to kiss you, Mr. McClain." Lance breathed slowly, "Lance." Keith then smiled and leaned in closer, "Lance," He repeated breathlessly and he leaned in closer their lips almost touching before he passed out on the Latino's lap from all the alcohol. That left a flustered Lance looking down at the librarian on his lap.

If only the two had known the events that would soon unfold when Keith accidentally summoned Imhotep and his curse along with the plages of Egypt were released but for now they would sleep peacefully.

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