194. He won't be there

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Lmao I've not written anything publishable in a while so this should be interesting

Also lmao this is quite symbolic so I'm proud of myself for that



"Dark?" Anti's voice was soft as he wandered around the maze. The shadows were forming sinister shapes and wouldn't be too prideful to admit he was scared. He wanted to be in his boyfriend's arms yet he couldn't seem to find him and the maze's grassy walls only seemed to be growing at each call. His voice was quiet in comparison to the screaming he could hear, the voices reminding him how much he'd hurt Dark and that he deserved to wander this maze alone. He kept searching and reaching out but all he could feel was cold air and he was starting to give up hope of finding Dark.

"I need you babe, I'm sorry, I know I'm a bad boyfriend... I know I've not been myself but I need you," He was almost in tears as he continued his search but his attempts were to no avail as he could not find Dark. He had pushed his boyfriend so far away that he was now trapped alone, sentenced to get lost in this maze alone. No one would save him. He began to accept his fate and he collapsed to his knees, the mazes walls closing in around him. Consuming him.

"DARK!" The previously sleeping boyfriend jolted awake and looked at the shivering Anti with intense worry. "Baby, what's wrong?" He questioned. "I-I'm fine..." The Irishman whispered, his voice almost unable to be heard but Dark did... and he wasn't impressed as he knew this to be far from the truth. Anti, inside, was terrified that Dark would simply turn over and go back to sleep, he wanted his boyfriend's help but he never seemed to be able to ask for it so instead he resorted to pushing him away or joking about his state. Dark simply wrapped his arms around Anti and pulled him into his chest, he wouldn't make his boyfriend speak if he didn't want too... even though in reality Anti did need to be pushed, "I love you, baby."

"I love you too."

But when the time comes I know he won't be there

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