5. Dare me

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Mat and Nate are at Aj's after doing a recording but they end up calling more over and having a game of truth or dare. The only thing is Stephanie knows about Mat's feelings about a member of the group.

Light Lemon

(It's lemon so... But don't worry I don't write full lemon)



"I'm bored," Aj groaned lying back on the floor, he'd called Mat and Nate over to help him with a musical but the three were tired of recording and just wanted to take a break.
"Hi bored I'm Nate," The musician sniggered.
"I hate you Nathaniel," Mat teased lying on the floor next to the two.
"We could always call over a few more people and mess around."

Aj pulled out his phone and opened it into a group chat inviting along;
Stephanie, Jason, Morgan, Peter and Brett. The five all messaged back saying they could come and would be there shortly.

"Hmm... who'd you invite?" Mat yawned lazily.
"You'll see when they get here," Aj chuckled as Nate grabbed his phone and looked at the contacts.
"Yeah Mat you'll see." The ebony sniggered with a smirk.


"TRUTH OR DARE!" Stephanie exclaimed clapping her hands wildly. Brett chuckled at the brunette and looked at his friends who were grinning and nodding agreeing to the crazed females idea.
"Steph that's a game for five year olds," Mat tried to reason but the female just smirked,
"Is Matpat scared I'll reveal something I shouldn't."

"Ooh Matty has a secret do share!" Nate smirked wrapping an arm around the theorist who immediately became flustered. He groaned as the ebony shuffled closer to the theorist and whispered in his ear, his voice ticking the blond's ear making him shiver,
"C'mon play for a bit, it'll be fun."

"Fine I'll play," Mat sighed heavily having a strong feeling he'd regret his choice however for the musician he would play. Peter grinned and gave the theorist a thumbs up before scooting over so everyone was sitting in a circle.

Aj got to his feet just as the game was about to begin,
"I'll get the drinks - this game is always better drunk."


A few drinks in and everyone was starting to become drunk luckily no one was black out drunk.

Brett turned to his best friend and gave him a dark smile as an idea came into his mind, it was his turn and he let words slowly escape his lips,
"Nate truth or dare?"

With a evil smirk he spoke,
"I dare you to kiss and I mean properly kiss Morgan."

The two looked at each other slightly annoyed by the idea as Brett sniggered taking in everyone's annoyed glances, he had to be the one to mess up the balance.
"Fine, I ain't no coward sorry Morgan."

The ebony shuffled over to the black haired female as she uncomfortably leaned close to him, both of them cringed slightly and their lips collided for a second before they pulled apart trying to pretend it never happened.

Mat glared jealously but he didn't say a word but his eyes caught Stephanie and the female gave him a grin and looked at Nate,
"Nate ask me I have a good one for somebody!"


The musician chuckled after making Stephanie and Jason act out breaking up and tweeting about it as a joke. He caught it on record and sent it to Mark laughing lightly as he did so.
"Okay Steph show us this good dare/truth," Aj slurred slightly leaning into Peter trying to get his friend to balance.

Her eyes directed towards Mat and her lips twisted into a dark smirk as she began to ask him the question,
"Mathew Patrick truth or dare?"

Either way the theorist knew he was screwed, he let out a long pain filled sigh before giving his answer to the brunette,
"Dare me."

"Alrighty Mr. Patrick I dare you and Nate to go into the cupboard like a seven minutes in heaven type thing."

"WHAT NO!" The theorist yelled blushing darkly but Jason picked him up and threw into the cupboard and Nate just walked in willingly.
"Have fun you two, see you in seven minutes."


"Well what'd you wanna do?" Nate asked calmly leaning against the shut door, his face was neutral Mat couldn't tell what he was thinking but he appeared so calm like nothing could shake him, nothing could bother him. The blond shrugged,
"Dunno, you got any ideas."

The musician took a few paces forward and pushed the blond up against the wall leaning into him, his head in the crook of his neck, he whispered into his ear,
"I've got some ideas."

The male gulped thickly as Nate's fingers found themselves looped in Mat's jeans, his voice was husky as he spoke,
"You've been driving me nuts all day~"

"Y-you've been driving m-me nuts since I first met you," The theorist stuttered still in shock from the musicians actions and without thinking he thrust his lips into the male and the ebony let out a small moan as their lips moved in sync.

Nate pulled down Mat's jeans so they were hanging at his knees, his hands scratching at the male's skin as the theorist pulled their lips apart and Mat spoke in a deep voice,
"You've been making me wait."

It was Nate's turn to gulp as he felt the theorist part their lips and made him whimper, the blond smirked and kissed down his neck kissing everywhere until the ebony moaned loudly causing him to blush darkly,
"M-Mat ugh~"

"Nathaniel has a sweet spot," He taunted sucking at the the musicians skin as he struggled at concealing his moans trying to avoid the others from hearing.

He pulled his lips away from the male's neck to examine his work, a bruise a dark shade of purple covered a large amount of his neck,
"Have fun covering that in your next video."

"Mathew Patrick you fucking tease - you act so innocent but damn," The ebony muttered as the blond pulled off the musicians t-shirt, exposing his naked chest.


Seven minutes rolled by and Stephanie was about to open the door when a loud moan came from the other side and the brunette sniggered.

"I'll leave them at it for a while."

Seven minutes in heaven soon turned into two hours in heaven all thanks to Stephanie's dare and Brett's stupidity.

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