91. The things we used to share

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Prinxiety (that's right yo gurl is writing something that ain't in the title)

Roman and Virgil had a massive fight and both sides said things they didn't mean

I swear there is fluff in this

Sorry for being so inactive I really have no excuse and I haven't written in forever outside of of my Higher English creative piece which honestly I'm probably going to re-write also I got really into Thomas Sanders however you can imagine this as any ship you want



"You're nothing but a villain and that's all you'll ever be!"

"Fuck off Prince Charming! At least I actually have more than one brain cell!"

The fight was playing over and over again in Roman's mind as he stared at the ceiling of his room with a heavy feeling in his heart, he truly believed that he had messed up his relationship with Anxiety. He'd acted in a manner that was definitely not suitable for a Prince and he regretted it deeply however his pride prevented him from marching over to Virgil's room and taking the anxious trait into his arms and littering his face with kisses whilst he apologised over and over again. He hadn't even realised that tears were falling fast down his face and he was willing to do again to get these negative emotions out of his system - he was Thomas's creativity after all he couldn't be thinking negatively.

You can have the toaster and the PC
Or even my Timothy Green DVD
I'll let you have the couch and the TV
Hang onto the jacket that you bought for me

The Prince-like trait began to sing, remembering how nervous Virgil had been on their first date (which had simply been watching a disney movie in Roman's room because the emo nightmare had been too anxious to go out anywhere else - not that Roman minded in the slightest) He smiled slightly to himself as he remembered himself singing disney songs to his boyfriend and the light blush which had dusted his cheeks and he'd even managed to convince Virgil to sing Hercules's 'I won't say I'm in love'

I don't really care, you can keep the things we used to share
But what did you do with my heart?
What did you do with my heart?

The fight flashed through the Prince's memory again. He'd only been teasing the emo trait he hadn't expected him to get so upset over a simple comment where he'd called Virgil the villain - all of the traits had done it at least once and despite him highlighting the fact that it did indeed hurt his feelings being called the villain Roman had assumed that Virgil would know that his boyfriend was joking but instead he'd all offended by it and practically called Roman an idiot which was one thing Roman hated.

No more fireworks, no more compass
You didn't leave a single butterfly in my stomach
You took my spyglass, no knowing what lies ahead
My warmth at night, but left a dent in my bed

"Fine then if you really think that I'm the bad guy then why are you still with me?!"

"I don't know! Maybe because it's better for Thomas' mental health if we're together as I can keep you at bay!"

"So I'm just a burden to you then?!"


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