65. Fire and Ice

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Mark, Jack and Felix are all ice mages in this... It's just a thing

This isn't really shippy at all and it's kinda bad but I wanted to try something different so I hope you like it anyway.



Mark and Felix, that's all that Jack could think at the time. Fire was creeping up the walls of his home scorching the walls the floor ablaze it wouldn't take much to turn the whole house to ashes, in just mere minutes the roof would collapse and Jack knew it.

The ice Mage coughed and sputtered, blood staining the ground from his hacking cough but he couldn't leave the house not yet. Mark and Felix were still there he couldn't leave them alone in the flaming house. His partner and his mentor, his family.

The male tried to use his ice magic however the fire was one of rage and was too strong. A few tears ran down his face as he carried on his painful search. Finally he heard a voice a voice he knew too well yell, "Leave its too late for me! Please!"

Mark. . .

Without thinking the youngest ice Mage dived through the burning door to the two other ice Mages. Mark lying in Felix's arms blood caked his face, "Please Felix take Jack and leave. You're my mentor you need to live take Jack and train him to be an even better Mage then you... please." The black-haired boy coughed he wasn't much older than Jack yet this sacrifice of Mark's made Jack want to cry out to run.

"Felix let's take Mark and get out of here we don't have much time!" Jack snapped running a hand through his messy green hair.

"J-Jack," Mark coughed and like Jack blood came from his hacking cough. "Mark?" Jack questioned visible tears in his eye. "You're naked," Mark smiled coughing more. Looking down at his burnt body Jack laughed, "Yeah I guess I am."

The three ice mages ran like they'd never ran before. The roof was on the brink of collapsing. Felix was slower with Mark in his arms the oldest man the mentor who acted like their father half the time was falling behind.

Mark however was knocked out from the lack of fresh air. "Felix we need to get him out of here," Jack pushed his mentor in front of him.

"Mark you take him you've got the fastest legs and you're the youngest which means you can run quicker," Felix panted out of breath looking at his two students and smiled lightly allowing himself to slow down. The mentor smiled. "Make me proud boys," He whispered coughing as the roof of the bedroom fell.

The green-haired male carried the knocked out Mark on his back. The roof was collapsing without thinking first Jack tossed Mark as far as he could out of the door, out of their house onto the street. The ice Mage smiled glad that at least Mark was safe and he was almost there.

Stopping Mark glanced behind himself for Felix. He wasn't there. "FELIX!" He called his voice hoarse scratching at his raw throat. "Maybe he got out through a window... wait I can do that too!" Jack praised himself for being such a genius and ran to the window at top speed.

The male ran but even at his top speed he was barely quick enough. He managed to get half of his body out the almost crushed window before the roof finally gave way and collapsed on Jack with a loud bang.

The glass pierced into his skin the male could feel blood drip down his waist he couldn't move any of his lower half and the weight of the roof was slowly killing him.

Jack felt his eyelids droop slightly, "Goodnight."



Jack opened his eyelids and the first thing he saw was a piercing white light which just about blinded the injured boy. The second thing he saw was a worried looking Mark who was covered in bandages but other than that he looked fine. Jack smiled at his raven-haired friend.
"You know if you died Mark your last words would have been 'You're naked' very inspiring," Jack smirked.

Mark didn't say anything he just stared at the ground not a word escaped his lips. "Mark... what's wrong?" The male raised an eyebrow it wasn't like the fellow ice Mage to be so quiet.  "...." Mark opened his lips they were moving but no words reached Jack's ears. "Very funny Mark," Jack tapped his hand against the table next to the hospital bed.

Mark grabbed a piece of paper and pen and began to write something down on the paper.

I'm not playing with you, I wish I was, you're deaf your eardrum was damaged beyond help in the accident. . . I'm sorry but that's not all... the doctors say you'll never be able to walk again

Jack read the note he didn't cry in fact his face went solid. "T-that's not fair," he muttered. "What about Felix did he get out okay?"

The other ice Mage looked down a few sliver tears escaping his eyes than the male slowly but surely shook his head.

"Y-you mean he's...." He trailed off grateful that he couldn't hear his friend cry out tears of pain and sadness.

"THIS ISN'T FAIR WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS! OUR HOUSE WAS SET ABLAZE AND IT WASN'T EVEN OUR FAULT!! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Jack screamed punching his worthless legs. He couldn't feel anything not even a numb feeling, nothing.
Tears escaped his eyes as he hid his face in his hands from Mark. He couldn't even hear himself cry or think. No sound whatsoever.
His fellow ice Mage passed him one last note which read:

Don't beat yourself up, Felix would be proud you pulled through and you saved my life.

"But I couldn't save him, I couldn't save you both-" Jack stopped crying his face went mutual and he muttered, "I wasn't strong enough..."

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