98. Keith Kogane

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ScottyGonzaela Did I do the fluff right?

This is an AU inspired by the song 'Cecily Smith'

656 (I'm actually kinda proud of this)

"Life is not the things that we do, it's who we're doing them with."

"I'm off to grab some smokes!" Lance yelled as he grabbed his jacket, slipping it on as he reached past his many siblings to the door. "Why do you need to smoke so late?" His mama called back but by that point he'd already left and was long gone and making his way down the street. The Latino had lied, he had a date.

He met a raven haired male wearing red and his breath was immediately taken away as he took in the beauty of the man. Lance knew he would never forget how the male he'd never met smiled and stuck out his hand, "My name is Keith Kogane and I hope you like music cause I've got two tickets for La Traviata." That's when Lance said, "I hate opera..." He expected Keith to be annoyed and slightly disappointed but he didn't want to lie to the male and start off any chance they had a relationship with lies. Keith laughed and said, "Well lucky for you that you're with Keith Kogane. Who cares what you are listening to, it's who you're listening with."

The two headed to the opera house and Lance lay back in his seat if not a kiss then he at least could get a nap so he closed his eyes as the orchestra began, waiting to doze off as a result of boredom, then suddenly he heard violins and the hair on his neck was rising the feeling new and surprising but it wasn't the sound that made his heart pound. No, it was because he found Keith's hand in his and that's how they stayed until they played the final chord. Lance didn't fall asleep as he'd expected through the opera and in fact found something he'd loved through something he had previously hated however now he could listen to opera all day long if it meant he could hold Keith's hand more.

He says "Were you bored?" and Lance said, "I guess it wasn't quite so bad. It was the best time that I'd ever had." He flashed his date a wide smile, seeming more cheerful than he had when they first met up. He laughed and said "Well lucky for you, I got seats to Beethoven's Fifth.
Who cares what you're listening to, it's who you're listening with."

Time exploded, like a bullet from a gun
A week, a year, and then a marriage and a son.

Keith and Lance experienced it all together, the two staying in a rental together and Lance to this day can still hear Keith's laugh in the apartment. The way that the mullet used to laugh and slowly be coaxed into singing along with Lance whilst he danced to his stupid cringe music taste. The two shared many laughs and their life was full of love and passion, their family the same. Lance's parents loved Keith and Lance sometimes feared that they loved him more than their own son.

A perfect husband
A perfect life

Music guided them through their life as it was the thing that brought them together. Lance grew to love opera as the soft violins reminded him of his love and their first date, the many kisses they shared whilst listening to the music.

And though it was real it doesn't feel like it could be, that night when Keith said to Lance, "I've got two tickets for La Traviata"

Lance felt tears roll down his face as he looked at the tombstone as he spoke in a soft, broken voice,  "It's sad but true, how much I miss you.  I miss you Keith Kogane."

Life is not the things that we do, it's who we're doing them with.

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