16. Psycho Love

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Nate 'kidnaps' his best friend and chooses to have some 'fun'

Light lemon
(no full lemon yet)

Mentions of bondage
Includes the word length if this makes you uncomfortable you can leave... I feel slightly awkward writing this



Nathan Sharp was a complete psychopath and no that wasn't over exaggerating he was diagnosed as a full blown psychopath after an incident with Morgan Want and Stephanie Patrick, we won't go into all the horrible details lets just say someone got horribly disfigured and someone is currently in a coma. Nathan wasn't too blame for his condition at least not as far as anyone was aware.

Mathew Patrick sat alone in his house, he'd decided to stay off Youtube for a while until the events of the past few days subsided. The theorist ran a hand through his hair just letting his mind wandering to Nate, he'd really cared about that male but he'd gone insane, he was beyond any help Mat could hear.

A loud rushed knock came from the door with a heavy sight Mat scrambled to his feet and answered the door and standing there his hair a mess and his eyes bloodshot was Nathan Sharp.
"Aren't you supposed to be in an asylum?" Mat raised an eyebrow attempted to shut the door in his friend's face however Nate just shoved his way in and dumped a bag to the floor smirking. The smirk made Mat suddenly feel really uncomfortable, he shuffled backwards away from the ebony.
"You know sweetheart, I've always had feelings towards you Mathew Patrick. I mean who wouldn't~" His eyes frantically studied the blond. Mat felt his heart race under his top and bit back the urge to confirm he had the same feelings, he was dealing with a psycho but also his best friend. The theorist thought carefully before answering,
"No I didn't know that but you don't know what you're saying."

The psycho took a few steps forward shoving Mat into the hall, trailing his damp bag along with him. He pressed his face close to Mat's so he could feel his warm breath tickle the male's face and he whispered huskily,
"Oh trust me sweetie I know exactly what I'm saying~"
Mat attempted to shove Nate away from him frowning however the ebony pinned his arms against the walls, he gently nibbled on the blond's earlobe. The theorist bit back a moan.

Nathan smirked knowing he'd gotten Mat. He continued to nibble a little harder and the theorist's body started moving under his hold. The ebony grinded his body into the blond still nibbling, he felt something hard poke out,
"I know this is what you want Matty don't even try to deny it~ I know you miss our sessions~"
The blond let out a long moan of pleasure and longing.
"D-do you h-have the tools?" Mat blushed from embarrassment as he asked.

The psychopath gestured to his bag but kept the male pressed against the wall,
"Undress my angel~"
Mat obeyed and slowly undressed himself until he was only in his birthday suit.
"You've earned a treat my pet~" He whispered harshly. The tone in his voice made the theorist excited. Nate leaned down and opened the bag pulling out the 'tools.' 

Mat held his arms out as the ebony bonded them together tightly. The blond squirmed as he felt the rope bite into his skin however he was taken by surprise when he felt his sight go black, the psycho tied the blindfold around Mat's head. The theorist shuffled about uncomfortable in his position.
"Stay still my pet! It'll be more exciting this way~"

He felt a hand wrap around his length and slowly move it up and down, the theorist desperately gaped for air taking back and a long moan escaped him. "N-NATE!" He moaned the male's name.
"Bad pet you know that's not what you address me as."
A sudden impact hit across Mat's butt cheek, he let out a surprised moan.
"Sorry... M-master." Nate smirked.

Time passed eventually both men were a sweaty mess. The ebony packed his things back in the bag before giving it to Mat with a smirk,
"Sorry my love they've probably noticed I'm gone by now also while your wife is in her state feel free to request a session anytime, I'll easily break out for you kitten~"

If you got this far well done and I'm sorry... if you enjoyed this comment I guess....
I dunno
Have a great day

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