47. He loves me not

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Part 2 of he loves me.
Title idea by the amazing Forever_In_A_Fantasy

Also does anyone still like my writing or have I gotten bad? XD

585 (and it's bad again oops)


"You're mine understand?! You're not to talk to Felix anymore!"

"Y-Yes M-Mark..."

A month had passed and Felix was worried, he hadn't heard anything from Jack, not a single message. He suspected Mark had something to do with it however whenever he tried to the call the redhead he would just refuse to answer and eventually blocked the swede's number. Felix feared he'd made things worst for Jack, the poor Irishman suffering because of him.

Jack wasn't allowed to talk to anyone that wasn't Mark. The redhead got it into his head that Jack was spreading rumours about him and that he'd told Felix to call him. The gamer's drinking had gotten worse too, he was out every night getting blackout drunk and bringing a new girl home and then fucking her while Jack could hear all of it. The next day this was never discussed. Jack stayed quiet scared of speaking up. He was scared of being alone.

Mark had no idea what he was doing to Jack, he'd lost the ability to feel anything a long time ago. He dated Jack to make it seem like he felt something when in reality he didn't, the gamer knew it wasn't fair to keep Jack as his but he thought maybe if he stayed with him long enough he'd be able to feel something again. He had loved Jack before the incident then everything turned upside down.

Felix didn't know what to do, he wanted to go and 'save' Jack from that hellhole but he was too afraid of getting the Irishman hurt, he cared about him too much to even dream of allowing him to get hurt. He'd fallen in love with Jack the minute his eyes fell on him. Jack was his everything.

One evening Mark was out getting drunk again Jack made a phone call to Felix, he needed to be quick so he wasn't caught. Almost immediately the swede answered, "JACK?!" He yelled. The Irishman winced at the yelling but spoke softly, his voice quiet which was unusual and slightly worrying for the normal energetic gamer, "Yeah... Sorry I never called... I uh never found the time?" Felix sighed heavily, "Lame excuse... Jack you need to leave him... Mark is using you." Tears pricked in Jack's eyes but he knew deep down his friend was right, he took a deep breath, "I'm leaving." He didn't say anything else and hung up.

The Korean-American came home a few hours later but for once he was not drunk, he had a bunch of black roses. He was planning on trying to make it up to Jack however he was greeted with a letter.

Dear Mark
And Felix (I want you to give him this)

I'm perfectly safe. But please don't come looking for me. I'm sick of being used as a toy by you Mark and Felix i'm sorry but I don't feel the same way you do for him. The only person I've ever loved is Mark but I'm not going to stay and be treated like I'm nothing. Please don't look for me... You won't find me.

At the bottom of a letter there was a daisy with the petals picked off. Two lines was underlined.

He loves me.
He loves me not.

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