103. 'Rivalry'

253 6 4

Klance (I seriously need to stop)


So I'm working on a breakfast club AU which is the next oneshot you'll get but I just randomly got this idea and decided to write it (cause the breakfast club AU is draining me emotionally!)

345 (short and sweet)

"Shut up mullet!"

Lance and Keith were arguing again. Everyone on the ship had just learned to accept their rivalry as protocol and mostly just went with it without questioning, a few of them honestly found it quite funny. A few, others, thought they were both madly in love with each other and just didn't want to fess up to their emotions... and how right there were. See, Lance and Keith were madly in love with each other and they both knew it, however there was something slightly strange about their situation.

That night Lance went to Keith's room and knocked on his door, waking the red paladin from his slumber, when Keith emerged at the door he let Lance enter his room without saying a word. For a second the two just looked at each other before Keith smirked, "You put on a good show today." Lance simply laughed at that, grinning in a mischievous manner, "I know right? They totally believe we hate each other... if only they knew it was the opposite... but I didn't go too far today, did I babe?" The blue paladin had been worried that he'd maybe hurt his secret boyfriend's feelings with a few of his comments. "Not a chance... as I said you put on a good show," Keith chuckled, wrapping his arms around Lance's neck, smiling as the Latino leaned into to connect their lips.

They would tell the rest of the team eventually that their rivalry was faked but for the time-being they would enjoy pretending to hate each other and sneaking around behind everyone else's back.

If only they'd known that Pidge had been curious, hearing Lance leave his room and decided to investigate and was standing right outside the door listening in to everything.

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