162. Rich Boy III

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I don't think there is any

I literally love this little section I don't know why



"Please don't sell me to him," Dark weeped grabbing onto Anti's hand. His new 'owner' didn't seem best pleased by this and he yanked Dark back using the rope that had been fastened onto a collar around his neck, "You're coming with me... I paid good money for you, boy." The owner snarled threateningly. The rich boy whimpered but loosened his grip on Anti's hand eventually letting go.

There was something about Dark's actions that made Anti change his mind. "Wait on second thought he's not for sale," The leader stated confidently. The man who'd he'd been selling to raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean not for sale? I came all the way down here with the money promised, he's my property I've paid for him." The man let go of the rope he'd been holding and went to his belt pulling out a gun, "You're lucky if I don't kill you now, you're not so powerful Antisepticeye and you don't scare me."

Anti, who didn't exactly seem fazed by this reaction, simply snapped his fingers and his two muscular bodyguards who Dark had gotten to know as Benn and Trigger surrounded him with snipers. "I think you'll see I have the upper-hand here and I was going to offer to give your money back however after that reaction I don't think you deserve it." He bent down keeping his eyes connected with the man and picked up the rope and gently pulled Dark over to him. The rich boy was more than willing to return to Antisepticeye's side. Anti, with his free hand, grabbed the handle of the suitcase with the ten thousand in it and started to walk away but not before stating, "Finish him boys." After that Dark heard a massive ear-shattering bang then silence.

"You... you didn't let him take me," Dark said almost in disbelief as he looked down at the leader. Anti smirked as he came to a stop and pulled the suitcase up on the table opening it to reveal the massive wads of cash, "Consider your debt paid... just don't dabble in drugs anymore." Dark couldn't believe it. Anti was letting him away with it, the man who supposedly never showed sympathy was showing sympathy. "You'll need a little something for the road of course," He pulled out big two bundles of fifties and put them into Dark's hands, "Unless you want to stay that is."

Then Dark said the words he never would have imagined himself saying the first day he was captured, "I'd like to stay." Anti felt his lips twist into a massive grin and he pressed his lips against the rich boy's.

"This time it's personal~"

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