88. The King of the Dead

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Natepat (it's been a while)


This one is a bit stupid but I hope you like it all the same :3


What will you do when faced with the end?

The end of good men

Will you run

Or will you fight

Is your heart made of glass

Or a pure Snow White

|| The Queen's Fall||

"Prince Sharp come quickly its your mother!" A maid yelped to the young prince who jumped from his bed to run straight to his mothers room.

Lying in the bed was the frail yet still beautiful Queen Sharp. His mother had been brutally injured in a war with the children of the night or as humans commonly called them vampires. Blood sucking demons who would snuff a life out in a second and not give a shit. Or at least that's what the kingdom had been told.

The Queen noticed her son and held out his hand a large smile on her face. "Nate I'm going to die that much is clear but I want you to remain strong and finish this war for me no matter what happens. The children of the night aren't our true enemy." That was the last thing the queen of Elion ever spoke. Her last words left her son in confusion and a huge mess.

The Queen's untimely death threw the kingdom into darkness with the children of the night. The prince's father had to marry quickly. His father found a woman who was willing to marry him but only to become the new queen.

His new wife hated the Prince with a passion and was ready to do anything even make a deal with the dead.

Despite being a rich and well loved Kingdom by practically everyone even the night children when they weren't declaring war. The dead loathed the kingdom mostly this was based off of jealousy of the living being able to breathe and live life to the fullest. Where they were dead and rotting in the underworld.

"I'll never work with the dead even if my own life is on the line!" Nathaniel (yes I know that's not his name but it sounds very noble so don't yell at me) 'Nate' Sharp the prince swore to his mother.

How wrong he

But how was the Prince to know what was going to happen to him.

Fate is unknown
To everyone

You think no one cares

About us low life humans

That may be true

After all

All humans truly are


|| The King of the Dead ||

"The King of the Dead what a vague title for one as dark and twisted as myself."

A man arose from a bathtub dripping with pitch black water his hair plastered to his neck with the water giving his hair a dark gilt. His eyes darted around the room searching for a towel to shield his naked body. "It's almost time Prince I hope your ready," The King smirked darkly. A thin sliver crown lay crooked off his head.

"This game should prove rather interesting."

The 'King' now wrapped in a towel got himself dressed. He gripped a black tank top and dark skinny jeans along with black biker boots changing into his outfit he was certain to make an impression on Prince Sharp. "That petty Prince needs to have better guards getting in should be easy."

The young man got himself into one of the Dead's many devices. A normal looking car with the ability to go at the speed of light.

"Nathaniel Sharp
You will be

Drip drip drip

Water clashed down on the titles. Nate had wrapped himself in a towel which barely covered his body fully.

"The dead will be snuffed out!" He smashed a fist against the shower glass leaving a faint crack. "Shit," the male muttered a piece of glass stuck itself in between bones in his knuckles. "Bloody fucking hell that hurts!" For a Prince he certainly had a colourful vocabulary.

"Prince Sharp that's rather colourful language for a man such as yourself," A unrecognisable male's voice stated. "Who the hell is there?!" Nate snapped. "Don't worry about it Prince," the voice sneered, "Finish getting dressed I rather doubt you would want me to see you naked as much as I would enjoy seeing you naked."

'What a creep' Nate shuddered slightly feeling the cold air hit him. Shrugging he decided to assume that however was there was merely a new maid. "Prepares an old friend of Morgan?" He thought out loud pushing his thoughts aside he opted to dressing herself.

A yellow hoodie, grey tank top and dark skinny jeans along with yellow converse trainers. Nate bent down to tie his shoelaces when something under the shower caught his eye. A piece of glass from the crack. Without thinking the Prince scooped it back and shoved it in his back pocket.

Sitting on the edge of his bed playing the last of us was a young man roughly a year or two older then Nate. "Okay as I said earlier who the hell are you?!" Nate snapped. "Prince Nathaniel Sharp what a bad temper you have and you're definitely much shorter then I had originally thought," a smirk grew on his lips. "I asked you a question!" The Prince glowered he was getting more annoyed by every passing second. "Oh how rude of me. They call me The King of the Dead. The ripest fruit there is," he made a peace symbol with his fingers and stuck out her tongue, "But you can call me Mathew Patrick."

"D-dead?" Nate stuttered then reality hut him sending the Prince into a frenzy he threw punches at his unwanted guest. "Calm down sweetheart. At least let me turn the game off I doubt you'd want it broken," The so called King smirked wider. 'Seriously sweetheart?'
Nate groaned waiting for the male to turn the machine off as much as he despised the dead he didn't want any of his devices to get broken. Quickly he checked his front pocket of his jeans for his phone finding it he let out a breath of air waiting for the King to throw an attack.

With the game turned off the unwanted guest allowed his eyes to connect with Nate's. "Submit to me," The man sang his voice ringing a smirk on his face. "The fuck?!" Nate yelped jumping slightly surprised by the man's actions.

"You're not fun at all. I'm afraid this game is rather uninteresting," The King stated before covering his mouth and nose with her tank top. A can in one hand she sprayed a crystallised liquid filled the air intoxicating it making it hard to breathe. Soon the Prince no matter how strong his will was the liquid kicked in he fell to the ground completely defeated and defenceless.

"I want you
Nathaniel Sharp
That's all it

Temptation drives us insane

With human greed

We'll do anything to get our own way

That's just how us humans are


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