154. The happiest place on earth

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Prinxiety (I would have done another ship but this is based at Disneyland so obviously Roman has to be in it)

None this is completely fluff

Randomly got this idea and thought it'd be cute

Also lmao I keep annoying my girlfriend by moving her up and down my bases cause it's funny



"We're at Disneyland!" Roman yelled excitedly grabbing his boyfriend Virgil's hand and spinning him happily. The anxious boy couldn't help but laugh, Roman was acting like a child and Virgil found it rather cute. "We've been at Disneyland for the past two days... are you going to do this every morning?" Logan questioned raising an eyebrow. Patton just chuckled and pushed his husband, "Leave him alone, he's enjoying himself... plus today is an important day." He winked at Roman. Shit.

Roman had planned to propose to his boyfriend, he wanted to make a grand gesture and where better than the happiest place on Earth, but he'd forgotten the ring. His eyes widened, "Patton can I get your help with something?" The prince-like man asked, grabbing the father-figure's arm and dragging him away from the group. "I forgot the ring but I still want to do the proposal here because it took so much convincing to get Virgil to admit he wanted to come here," Roman rambled. Instead of being worried though Patton just laughed and flashed his 'son' a smile, "Well then why don't you just get a ring for him here? I'll help you." The boy calmed down slightly and nodded. "Logan, baby, Roman and I have something we need to do so you and Virgil don't wait up. I'll call you when we're done." Logan looked a little concerned at being left alone with Virgil who he'd only met recently but for the sake of his husband he agreed.

Roman and Patton hunted around many of the different shops trying to find the perfect ring. The prince was being extremely picky and it took them ages to find the right ring, it didn't help that people kept trying to drag Roman back to work because he was dressed like a Disney prince, however eventually he decided on one that he preferred to the one he'd gotten at home. The ring had a black band and a dark purple gemstone with my princess engraved on the inside in gold, it was almost like it was made for Virgil. "It's perfect," Patton smiled and pushed Roman up to the counter. It burned a huge hole in Roman's pocket paying for the ring but he could also return the one he didn't use.

They met back up with Virgil and Logan and Logan did not look happy. Virgil had made the intellectual man go on a bunch of crazy rides with him which Logan had not enjoyed one bit and was more than happy when his husband said Roman wanted to go to the castle. "We've gone to look at it every day Ro," Virgil chuckled but let his boyfriend take his hand and take him to the castle anyway. This had to be as gay as possible.

When they reached the castle it was practically swarmed with people but Roman managed to get them a good middle spot, he took both of Virgil's hands and smiled happily at his boyfriend. "What? Is there something on my face?" Virgil asked with a raised eyebrow. Roman rolled his eyes and didn't answer but instead got down on one knee, "Virgil Black... I have been in love with you since the first day I met you and even though I was a bit of a dick then you still gave me a chance anyway. I want to spend the rest of my life with you... and honestly I had a speech prepared but I can't even remember it so instead I'm just going to ask, my princess, will you marry me?" Virgil didn't have any words so instead he just nodded. Literally everyone was staring at them and some people were even recording. Roman smiled widely and jumped up excitedly slipping the ring of his fiancé's finger before spinning him around. "I wish I had a boyfriend so he could propose to me," One little girl watching the two complained to her parents.

It really was the happiest place on earth.

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