44. Happiness

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This cheesecake

None (?)

To be honest I'm 99.9% made of honeybear blood


A bad attitude only makes it rougher. Learn to let go of anger, and you won't have to suffer.

Screams echoed the air as everyone on the street ran for their lives. Mat grabbed onto Nate's hand and dragged him along behind him. The sound of guns was ear shattering and the air filled with gun smoke suffocating the two lovers.

They were out after curfew it was their own fault. Anger controlled their government, the anger for those who were different. The two males had met up late that night to do their nightly activities - no it wasn't sex... All the time. They went out on dates.

Their first perfect date had been exactly one hour after curfew and had been at the moonlight lake. Nate had managed to sneak food out of his mother's fridge without her knowing and the two sat and ate the banquet in peace. No guards had found them.

However on this fateful night someone had tipped one of the guards off about the two lovers and what they did. The guards were ready, ready to shoot prepared to even kill.

Mat choked on the gun smoke that filled his lungs, his body slumping and his movements becoming sloppy as he slowly suffocated. He fell to the ground and ring fell out his pocket. Nate gasped and ran over to his fallen boyfriend. He looked at the ring and tears formed in his eyes, "Mat you better not fucking die on me!" He exclaimed. "Nathan Sharp-" The theorist was cut off by a cough, "I love you more than life itself will you marry me?"
"Yes," The ebony said barely over a whisper feared of being caught by the guards. Mat slipped the ring on his finger and lay back smiling, "I can die happy now."
"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE!" Nate yelled and picked him up running to the gate and climbing over it carrying Mat over his shoulder the whole time.

Bullets soared through the gate, hitting Nate in the back but he kept moving gritting his teeth in pain.

Anger had controlled their government
But they escaped because of love

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