172. Even from the grave I still love you

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Mentions of death

One of the random ideas I get during my free periods

296 (short but sweet)


It had been a year since Dark died and Anti was still in mourning. He'd loved his fiancé so very much and had been looking forward to starting a life with him however one night there was a dreadful accident and Dark had lost his life. Being dead hadn't stopped his love for the male, Dark watched over him everyday and silently encouraged his lover to go forward with his life. He hated watching Anti in such pain but was proud his fiancé had the courage to keep living.

He'd watched Anti grow and move on. He watched his fiancé breaking down, wanting nothing more to go and hug him and he watched Anti speak down to himself. All Dark wanted to do was hold his lover in his arms and tell him it was okay but alas he could not. Dark looked out for Anti and eventually one day he made a speed-dating ticket fall at his feet whilst he was out walking. Anti took it as a sign.

Dark then watched Anti fall in love again. He watched his fiancé fight with his new lover and go through many people until he found someone he truly loved. He watched Anti get engaged again, then eventually marry and raise a family. Dark was always by Anti's side throughout his life even if he could not see him and he stayed by his side until the end. He lay next to Anti who was on his deathbed and held his hand the whole time although Anti could not feel it he would soon be able to speak to his lover again.


"Darky... I've missed you."

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